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farm sheepdogs cattledogs and collies

Guest lurcher.lurcher

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Guest lurcher.lurcher
my uncles working collie,pat, is one of the nicest dogs i have ever seen. ive spent many a day out with him and the quad bringing in the dairy and sheep heards. he works single handedly but I dont have any pics to hand

looking forward to the pictures. a good collie, is a delight to be around.

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i cant promise any pictures but i will try and take some one day. before that dog they had a blind working collie. he eventually went blind even though he was young but he had had a year or 2 at my uncles farm beforehand and he worked like a fully sighted dog. he would bring the cows in at top speed and would never runinto anything. he would know everything off by heart but eventually he bit my aunty a couple of times and had to be put down. it was a great shame as he was a much loved working dog. RIP woody

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I had a working border collie a few years ago when a worked on the dairy farm he never worked sheep but could handle the cows no problem he would sit on the back of the quad bike (EVEN WHEN A WAS DRIVING) lol


he was also great at ratting when we were milking he would go find a rat dig it out they come down the byre with the tail wagging it the show of collie manner :victory:


also youse to take him out with the lurchers and if you had a place where you thought the rabbit would head a would tell him to lie bown and he would nab any rabbits that went his way :whistling:


sadly we parted when a stoped working at the fam as this dog was bred to work and a just new he would miss working so he went to a farmer friend and is now a really good farm dog :big_boss:


self trained aswell :whistling::whistling:

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