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cleaning cages

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Same as everything else just be carefull i pick a dry day take out the ferrets clean out the hutch bleach it and wait for it to totally dry before i put them back in


same with the dog's clean out the runs , bleach them take the mutts for a walk for a couple of hours and the run's are dry by the time i get back

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Any disinfectant that doesn't go white in water will be fine mate.


If it goes white, it contains something called phenol, which is toxic to ferrets.




true ,you should not use it .

my vet told me the best thing to use is bleach and rinse very well

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Guest on the hill

id just use water if i were you! i dont do it usually about once a year or something lol as i dont see much point in doing it all the time i clesan them out often and well enough but when i do ill give it a proper scrub with hot water and a scowerer! be carefull to dry it out properly ovcorse

Edited by on the hill
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yeah i clean that out every 2 days and a total clean out once a week or so

I use a product called "Kennel Clean" from a company called Osmonds (google it, I'm away from the office so I'm not sure if it's .com or .co.uk)


It's about 14 Quid for 5 litres and goes 50ml to 2 gallons of wAter. Lasts about a year with a weekly clean. ApProx £4 Quid for quick delivery or free if the order is over 40 quid. Good and safe and easy to use. HTH. Cheers, D.

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