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Bells ?*"$%£

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Not for many years now have i used bells,i was with a bloke a few weeks ago that had them,he reckons they do two things,they scare the bunnys shitless and it alerts the ferreter if the fert sneaks out unspotted.I have no evedince that this is so,but i reckon its not going to do any harm,but it didnt seem to make any difference to the rabbits bolting as my fert bolted just as many without a bell :clapper:

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unless you buy very good quaility bells, like used in falconry, the type used on cat collars wont be heard, in a perfect world, all will be quite and your hear the bell as the ferret trots off into the hedgerow, but if you have more than one fert down, rabbits hitting nets, holes to re net, dashing over to a longnet, I dont think you'd hear the dangle/tinkle of a bell, a good quaility bell is gonna cost, so why not look into using a loca8tor in conjunction with your mk3, see the pinned popt at top of the ferreting section for pro's and cons

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unless you buy very good quaility bells, like used in falconry, the type used on cat collars wont be heard, in a perfect world, all will be quite and your hear the bell as the ferret trots off into the hedgerow, but if you have more than one fert down, rabbits hitting nets, holes to re net, dashing over to a longnet, I dont think you'd hear the dangle/tinkle of a bell, a good quaility bell is gonna cost, so why not look into using a loca8tor in conjunction with your mk3, see the pinned popt at top of the ferreting section for pro's and cons



I was thinking of a loc8tor as a good falconry bell going to cost me about £17 a pair.

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Guest bigredbusa

lol why dont you stick a chest plate and a gps unit and a maglite on its head on it aswell , just seems people these days want to load up a ferret (which has a hard enough job as it is ) which a load of crap .


my mk3 is a 16 ft one ,if mine makes it away from me it shouldnt be to hard to locate, all this 'what if' is a poor excuse for bad ferreting, im going out on a limb here and im going to say something really crazy .



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busa is correct, and most time when out ferreting, theres more than one of you, and everything is covered by more than one set of eye's, its mainly the odd occassion, when ferreting for a customer on your own, that technology is a godsend, rather than the set of eyes in the back of my head :laugh:

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