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Describe a good working Plummer

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Nose and drive.Not got these then it is not a Plummer. A plummer is'nt and out and out digging dog some are some not.Some lines are are more prone than others. Admittdly most Plummer owners these days want a ratting dog not an earth dog. Mine are all coalville lines and they do the job for me,they suit me. Plummers were breed to be a jack of all trades,which they are.

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a good and bad thread at thesame time!


its due to people listing points for dogs that the KC have created the monstrousities they have done


dont consider form before function!


function before form always!


so to this thread and the others, one that does the job it was intended to, be that killing rats or bolting foxes/being dug to etc.......

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Drive,nose,temprament,coat,the same really as the traits that you would look for in any terrier.They are mostly a bidable,work with others sort of terrier.Some lines can be a bit firery,some will dig,some won't.Some i've seen trained to gun,know of a few working with keepers and they are more than happy with them.Mine will work with ferrets and nets,they have had a few digs(not just from the doubters,real digs lol),bush,rat,really anything that has been asked of them.

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