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Describe a good working Plummer

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What would your defintion of a Good Plummer be...

Size, conformation, coat, temperament, working style


Part A. In your eyes a perfect Plummer


Size =


Conformation =


Coat =




Working Style=


Part B. What faults do you see in the Plummer...


as long as it's worker to worker it don't matter Yeah! we know that, but I'm asking what would be your perfect Plummer, what do you look for when looking for the perfect dog ???


Some pics, and descriptions of dogs you've had in the past or now would be good ??


This is aimed at people who have or have had Plummer and are a fan of them.. the rest of you I'm starting a new thread for your particular breed...

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i'm not really qualified to do plummers. however i do like the breed so will jump in head first. please remember i'm new to the breed .


size. 11 /13 inches.


well made agile terrier neat with good bone and a stronge head


coat should be smooth. but not thin with a good hide.


temprement lively bright sharp but not to aggressive.


working style. i see the plummer as a versitile terrier not a true earthdog . and expect them to do a veriety of tasks ferretting bushing working with a gun and go to ground and bolt the odd fox.


like i say this is only my opinion of what i like


the major fault i see is that they are to gassy and tend to fight at the drop of a hat. although there are exeptions there nose is VERY good..














some of mine

Edited by shinyspade
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I've got good Plummers,that are good at most jobs.But this thread will turn into the normal slagging match.so thats all I've got to say.

:whistling: If the mods let it, maybe, but it would be good if the Plummer fans had their input on the above questions and those of us who care to take note will listen, I have a genuine interest in all breeds, and I'm sure nebies to the game will also have an interest, the slaggers can go fly a kite and bicker amongst themselves....

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who cares what they look like long as they do their job :gunsmilie: Ed reid had a couple of em in the early 90s a tri colour that excelled at her work and a so called real mcoy red coat who was a duffer but had the looks of a top specimin, these came from brian himself so were well bred :whistling:

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