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bushing comp

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Just got back in, i find that evenings as the suns going down the best time, had a couple of good hunts, and very close in a thick bramble patch, but no catch, still good exercise for man and dog


point system suggestion


5 for a charlie (obviously accidentally killed whilst hunting rabbits)


4 for a rabbit (they are hard to catch)


3 for anything else (pheasants etc...)


2 hedgehogs (my teckel x kill's loads :whistling: )


1 for rats

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thers no way this coul work out... as honesty would be a key factor.. and i don't think that much of that goes about on here.. im well into bushing... got 2 terriers and a whippet x... im always out with them...

it would be exiting to meet up sumwhere and see whos pack worked the best... but as of saying how many youve had through the week.i don't think itd work.. im not trying to get clinical or anything... because youve already said just a bit of fun..


but a cracking idea


all the best



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i dont intentionally hunt hedgehogs....they are accidentally killed whilst hunting rats and rabbits.......my little dog hates them for some reason

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:wallbash: seeing as the vast majority of us are using hounds and spaniels and cross breeds, none of which were ever intended for underground work, NO




good idea including the accidental capture of the above bigger game.....mine have had a muntjac nearly once :whistling::tongue2:


although surely a boar should be more points than a roe?



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20 for a roe with a terrier do you have a petterdalexlion thats worth a 100 point's me think's but if people lie that's up to them anyone genuine up for a bit of fun would'nt remember just what terrier's kill no lurcher catty's wife' dirty knicker's or anti air craft missile's just terrier's and it is hard to catch a rabbit with just a couple of terriers so im not bothered if i have 1 2 or none but it's good to compare to share we all become more wiser but if people lie to big there dog's up then there dog's cant be much cop so it'll be in there own mind i don't need to big mine up im happy with them

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If folks lie then i'd say that they need to get a life,had one of the best hunts i've had with my dogs the other day and didn't catch the big eared rabbit they were hunting in a old pea field.20+ minuets and i didn't help them once,self casted refound and away again,i would say that watching the dogs work is the thing for me not numbers caught.It's only illigal for the dogs to kill hedgehogs not you,still i ain't taking a spiney ball off my reved up dogs on a rainy night(pricked,bit and soaked,sounds like a nite at barrymores house and sod that).

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