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bushing comp

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like the lurcher boys but a bit of fun dont have to meet up keep a record of what packs are doing what rabbits caught by the terriers just a bit of fun were see the most productive bobery pack and if your going to lie dont feckin bother how about it

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count me in, however i only have the two dogs at the moment so they dont catch much, next sason when the teckel pup i am getting is running with them it may be more profitable!


do we count other various quarry, cos mine have killed a few rats and a crow :whistling:


Bigdan what hounds have you got?


and is this excluding folk who run lurchers with their bobbery pack?

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ive got 2 terriers is well were just do it with terriers mine dont kill massive amounts mostly flush but they do kill i think 2 or 3 terriers is enough for bushing anyway i got me saluki x not much cop for bushing im looking for a wippet x

the terriers i got slinker she 1/4cocker1/4jrt1/4pat1/4lakie so i just call her terrier x and i got her daughter flick she that x norfic terrier thats the 2 im also trying to get a cocker/patterdale

only count what your terrier kills

Edited by bigdan
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well at the moment i have a cocker spaniel and a teckel x border, then with the teckel dog pup i'm getting, i think i i should have a decent bobbery/bushing pack, i dont have any running dogs at all


well so far this season two rabbits, two rats and an injured crow :thumbs:

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I'm in as well with my 2 plummers,i'll put up my mooching tallies rather than say solely a rat hunt tally.This last few weeks had a few rabbits,a few rats and god knows how many hedgehogs.



hedgehogs, i forgot about them...the teckel x hates hedgehogs and has killed 3 this year :icon_redface: she bites through the spines if she cant turn them over :notworthy:

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BigDan, Count me in.

Me and Whippet Boy hunt most week ends with our pack, we do a bit of Bushing through the summer to keep the dogs fit, so if we are only counting bushing dogs not Lurchers we have caught 23 Since April.

Our Bushing dogs are a Border, Border Lakeland and my new Cocker x Beagle Basset.

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do the little ones count as well :icon_redface:




i'm not writing the rules but i have taken part in a ferreting competition (it was run like match fisihing alloted plots and finish at 2.30pm) and they counted everything that was a rabbit regardless of size as long as it wasn't a feuteus ;)

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