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i,ll be there both days ,went the last 2 years met up with a few lads of here and camped with our families great weekend its just the language barrier that gets in the way bloody welsh and english they really ought to learn to speak properly :clapper:

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a good few are going we will be ther on the sunday hope to see some of you kay ill just look for the red head unless your under a hat :clapper: hope the weather is kind for a change :victory:


red head & bright green jacket , you wont miss me :laugh:


My tickets have come :toast::toast::toast::toast::toast: i will be camping :toast:

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Im gonna be going and camping :clapper: so be there both days with a few of the other ACES nutters, beer and BBQ Sat night, Mmmmm, will try and spot ya Kay and anybody else going that adds to the thread.


I cant wait now i feel sick i am so excited :toast:

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Im gonna be going and camping :clapper: so be there both days with a few of the other ACES nutters, beer and BBQ Sat night, Mmmmm, will try and spot ya Kay and anybody else going that adds to the thread.


I cant wait now i feel sick i am so excited :toast:



Calm down dear it's only a commercial oooopppssss i mean game fair :laugh::laugh::laugh:


anyway my tickets not hear yet :no::no:

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Im gonna be going and camping :clapper: so be there both days with a few of the other ACES nutters, beer and BBQ Sat night, Mmmmm, will try and spot ya Kay and anybody else going that adds to the thread.


I cant wait now i feel sick i am so excited :toast:



Calm down dear it's only a commercial oooopppssss i mean game fair :laugh::laugh::laugh:


anyway my tickets not hear yet :no::no:



well i only know mine have arrived as me dad was hanging out the bedroom window when i came out of work yelling at me :laugh:

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anyone know what the weather forecast to be i looked at one it said really hot the friday good sat and sun then another said fecking rain :wallbash:


well i am probbly one of the nearest to westen park from here & i believe the early part of next week is forcast to be wet :angry:

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I will be going as usual - but I have heard a few negative things about it already . . .


Due to the V Festival churning all the usual site up they have relocated within the park but access might be difficult as the metalled road infrastructure for access for traders and the public won't be anywhere near as good. I also think that short of a natural disaster it will be on and not cancelled, as there would simply be too much to reschedule.


See you there Kay - you going to be with the ferret stand or just wanderin' . . . ?



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I will be going as usual - but I have heard a few negative things about it already . . .


Due to the V Festival churning all the usual site up they have relocated within the park but access might be difficult as the metalled road infrastructure for access for traders and the public won't be anywhere near as good. I also think that short of a natural disaster it will be on and not cancelled, as there would simply be too much to reschedule.


See you there Kay - you going to be with the ferret stand or just wanderin' . . . ?




Was it you i sent a carbon monoxide detector to :laugh:


I will be there but not with the ferrets , not done any pr for donkeys yrs there, they only do racing & pr now i believe , if its Chris Tyler still doing it that is, still worth supporting though , i spotted them at Shugborough earler in the year & never said hello as they were really busy .


So i will wandering round looking lost like i was last year when i arranged to meet Martin of here for a cup of tea :laugh:

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