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what is everyones oppinion on a all rounder

Guest markbrick1

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:clapper: True words Wilf......them days are long gone.... :thumbs:
true words yes wilf but i disagree,long gone for those that only run a fat whippet these days maybe?? :whistling: not long gone i hope.iv still got a fairly handy couple of jack of all trades in my collie lines,they work long net, ferret,lamp course(no 3 out ov 3s but can fill a pot,) control fox,mark the differnce between them and rabbit,take all forms of beastys.depends what you want from your dog,some people only want a dog that excels at only one of these jobs.i need mine to do all,, :victory:some idiots that post saying there are no such tning as an alround dog havnt lived 20 years travalling withthere dogs and relyed on them for food and often protction,mummys let you have your 1st lurcher and/or you sit on a computer talking shit,you wouldnt know what alrounder was if it took a chunk out your arses,cause even that to me is all part of being an alround dog.dogs that are with you every day,working,not sat in a kennal waiting for you to come home and give them there bowl of working dry mix shit,then mayby go chase a few rabbits,why post half of you?? you dont have the first f*****g clue!!! :wankerzo4: Edited by ooty
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I am not saying they are not out there OOTY, just that a lot of folk will call there dog an allrounder just because it happened to take a few bits of different tackle once upon a time.........12000 members on this site, so I would be very surprised if nobody had a true allrounder.


Its just, folk come on here saying "Well my dogs an allrounder"..........but is it?...........is it really?


IMHO, unless it meets all the criteria in my previous post, then it is not..........not truly!


It will allways be lacking something.............my dog certainly isnt and I doubt if I will ever have one, I simply dont have the skill, time or patience...........not to mention the dog for the job.


Honesty is what its all about and a realisation of just what the term means...........not many are or do.



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  WILF said:
Has anyone stopped to think what the term "allrounder" actually means?............to my mind, it is a dog that can perform EVERY task asked of it in the field.


That means it can take the full range of quarry on a regular basis (not just now and again), it can mark, it can work with nets, it can work with the gun and retrieve on land and in water, it shows a high degree of obidience at both short and long distances...........and perform all these tasks WELL!!


IMHO, there just aint that many out there............you may once in a lifetime get such a dog because all the circumstances dictate that you can.........i.e......you have the sheer amount of time and patience no to mention the skill to train a dog to be this way and you have a dog upto the task.


Its just not gonna happen that much I am afraid folks..........thats why I dont take much notice when people say they have an "Allrounder".........IMHO, not many do or ever will.


Yeah spot on mate...a lot of the old methods used to catch quarry are dying out or gone the way of the dodo, to many people associate "all rounder" with how much quarry they take. Maybe the old timers just demanded more of their dogs. :icon_eek:

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Guest markbrick1
  allgame said:
an allrounder should catch all the usall game that running dogs are breed for in any circumstance that specialist dogs do but possibly with a lower catch rate on a few of the animals. i'd consider my whippet stag an allrounder roughly 20inches 20-22kg he's predominatly a fox dog but he's not 100% at anything but he's 90% at every thing. for example if i ran him on 5 hares he'd catch 2 or 3 if i ran him on 10 foxes he'd catch 7 or 8 if i ran him on 20 rabbits he'd catch 15 -16 and any bigger game he'd catch but not kill aswell so if he was mabey four inches biger he'd be a better dog so im ganna find a good bitch to put him over. the piont is id consider him an allrounder because he can do everything resonably succsesfull and the list is endless of the different ways to hunt but theres not one iv encountered where me or anyone else has found him overly lacking my old staghound/roodog was much the same except 28 inches and 30kg so would mabey catch one less rabbit but was so much better on the bigger stuff he made up for it, he was also what i would call a allrounder. my stag x grey was excellent on hares and as good as the others on anything else but wasnt a good fox dog becuse he lacked the turn he was aslo bad through the bush and had no nose on him i wouldnt consider hmi an allrounder id simply say he was a good hare and roo dog.

any way thats what i think a good allrounder is.

sounds somthing like,regards mark

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im confussed so if it's not hunting all day every day it's not an allrounder, why? the bottom line is if it catches all game and retirves jumps marks night day in all terrian and alll that other crap its an allrounder. allrounder dosent wonder dog it means it can do everything resonably succsefull at the magority of expections of a dog. its not impossible to get because it's not the prefect dog. i think the proberlem with you is your expecting the dog to be the best at everything i'll tell you what a runner cant scent like a beagal and can't den like a terrier can't work sheep like a kelpie and cant swim retirve aswell as a pionter or gaurd as good as a doberman a allround running dog is just ment to catch dosent matter how or what thats all it's ment to do and assist you in helping it to catch those things. if it can catch everything then it's a good allrounder

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i put a lot of time into working and breeding a line of collie x that are very much alround dogs in the right hands,(haveing the odd litter imo comes into the alrounder bracket).some do that little extrai have one old bitch i can take on a beaters line that will drop to flush,pick winged bird etc,,basic alround i ask is to work long net, ferret,mark the difference tween fox and rabbit,they catch WHATEVER quarry comes into the lamp i want,i lived travallaing with my dogs for 20 years and spend most everyday with them,they protected my home with the utmost loylety. they kept myself and themselves fed,they can turn a loaf of mouldy bred into a sack of ducks in 20 mins,and much much more.makes me anoyed when people come out with such shit as theres no such thing,mostly cause your dogs are in a kennal or on a sofa all day waiting for you to come home and give them a bowl of working dry mixed shit then take em for a walk to chase a bunny.i dont keep lurchers for pets.numbers of what they catch ov this and that is bollocks,thats a dog for sport!!,to me they will always be an alround working nersserty!!

Edited by ooty
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  allgame said:
im confussed so if it's not hunting all day every day it's not an allrounder, why? the bottom line is if it catches all game and retirves jumps marks night day in all terrian and alll that other crap its an allrounder. allrounder dosent wonder dog it means it can do everything resonably succsefull at the magority of expections of a dog. its not impossible to get because it's not the prefect dog. i think the proberlem with you is your expecting the dog to be the best at everything i'll tell you what a runner cant scent like a beagal and can't den like a terrier can't work sheep like a kelpie and cant swim retirve aswell as a pionter or gaurd as good as a doberman a allround running dog is just ment to catch dosent matter how or what thats all it's ment to do and assist you in helping it to catch those things. if it can catch everything then it's a good allrounder



How do you get confussed then?....an all rounder is exactly what it says on the tin...not just catching quarry that its directed at on the lamp or walked up to on a slip. These dog's were expected to work gate net's long nets ferret lamp, flush and find game fur and feather, hunt up retreive and a whole host of other things day and night. This is not having a go at anyone's dog cause my own are woefully short of this title. If there are still folk out there doing this then brilliant. The whole point of this debate is the term "all rounder" is all to often banded about to describe dog's who are nothing of the kind. :icon_eek:

Edited by undisputed
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well then brains and loyalty would have to rate highly on siad dog so some of the key breeds would have to be a working dog or whippet i think it would be hard to find a good allrounder with out ethier breed being in there and thinking back on it i dont think my pure stag was up to standards, i wish there were some good collie crosses in australia id love to get my hands on one they'd proberly have to be breed abit tougher so possibly kelpie or bearded collie or acd but they'd go well with abit of stag blood in there

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