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Crossing terriers, out crossing

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Correct me if im wrong but wasnt the fox terrier added to improve jaw line ,as if the lakies of yesteryear needed that :wallbash:

nothing wrong with improving?


Not wanting to give anyone a history lesson but -The fox terrier added to the lakie was already in decline mate and was used purely for looks and nothing else .

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Correct me if im wrong but wasnt the fox terrier added to improve jaw line ,as if the lakies of yesteryear needed that :wallbash:

nothing wrong with improving?

:wallbash: improving what ffs... looks for the show ring... :wallbash:

gave them bigger heads and stronger jaw
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i personaly dont think ther is a need tae x breed, theres enuff breeds oot there that are tailored tae suit maste tasks in maste situations,


but the old sayin goes horses for courses


dont think the guys that x breed are doing anything wrang,

its been getting done as long as terriers have been here,


but sureley these days theres nae excuse for not staying within your chosen breed,

wht boot ur scoties how ye gonny get them tae work
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Correct me if im wrong but wasnt the fox terrier added to improve jaw line ,as if the lakies of yesteryear needed that :wallbash:

nothing wrong with improving?

:wallbash: improving what ffs... looks for the show ring... :wallbash:

gave them bigger heads and stronger jaw

in the show ring ... sounds good... :icon_eek:

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Middleton ,white throw backs :clapper::clapper: Pity he cant throw back the years to a time before he laid hands on a dog and went the racing pigeon route . :censored::censored:


White lakies been an embarrasement for decades

telling me you could breed any better no chance





Middleton never created the lakie mate ,he took an already tested breed and tried to smarten it up for show plus work .He saw a few pound signs when the dogs bred towards the show side and used 'pedigree' stuff to hammer the final nail in .Theres a few breeders of lakie stuff about these days that dont owe anything to middleton thankfully .

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Middleton ,white throw backs :clapper::clapper: Pity he cant throw back the years to a time before he laid hands on a dog and went the racing pigeon route . :censored::censored:


White lakies been an embarrasement for decades

telling me you could breed any better no chance





Middleton never created the lakie mate ,he took an already tested breed and tried to smarten it up for show plus work .He saw a few pound signs when the dogs bred towards the show side and used 'pedigree' stuff to hammer the final nail in .Theres a few breeders of lakie stuff about these days that dont owe anything to middleton thankfully .

he did create some of the best and am sure there are folk out there that have middleton lakies that will match the best workers around

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Correct me if im wrong but wasnt the fox terrier added to improve jaw line ,as if the lakies of yesteryear needed that :wallbash:

nothing wrong with improving?

:wallbash: improving what ffs... looks for the show ring... :wallbash:

gave them bigger heads and stronger jaw

in the show ring ... sounds good... :icon_eek:

wtf fox terriers ars the original working dog before the rest came along.considered a bit big for the job in hand so x bread with a smaller breed to make it harder if it was never done terriers wouldnt be the same today its all aboot improving
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Middleton ,white throw backs :clapper::clapper: Pity he cant throw back the years to a time before he laid hands on a dog and went the racing pigeon route . :censored::censored:


White lakies been an embarrasement for decades

telling me you could breed any better no chance





Middleton never created the lakie mate ,he took an already tested breed and tried to smarten it up for show plus work .He saw a few pound signs when the dogs bred towards the show side and used 'pedigree' stuff to hammer the final nail in .Theres a few breeders of lakie stuff about these days that dont owe anything to middleton thankfully .

he did create some of the best and am sure there are folk out there that have middleton lakies that will match the best workers around

Aye ,ive seen some really picking there feet up propper when in the ring ,a credit to the man .

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exactly they been x some where doon the line tae improve them

:icon_eek: If text talk is banned from this site, surely this dribble has to be banned as well, because I'm damned if I can understand wtf your on about....


no improvement to the lakie line was EVER gained by adding Fox Terrier into them.... EVER... :icon_eek:

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Correct me if im wrong but wasnt the fox terrier added to improve jaw line ,as if the lakies of yesteryear needed that :wallbash:

nothing wrong with improving?

:wallbash: improving what ffs... looks for the show ring... :wallbash:

gave them bigger heads and stronger jaw

in the show ring ... sounds good... :icon_eek:

wtf fox terriers ars the original working dog before the rest came along.considered a bit big for the job in hand so x bread with a smaller breed to make it harder if it was never done terriers wouldnt be the same today its all aboot improving

Original and best ,thats why theres loads about now .Cant move at the shows for quality working fox terriers .That dream died a century ago mate .

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Correct me if im wrong but wasnt the fox terrier added to improve jaw line ,as if the lakies of yesteryear needed that :wallbash:

nothing wrong with improving?

:wallbash: improving what ffs... looks for the show ring... :wallbash:

gave them bigger heads and stronger jaw

in the show ring ... sounds good... :icon_eek:

wtf fox terriers ars the original working dog before the rest came along.considered a bit big for the job in hand so x bread with a smaller breed to make it harder if it was never done terriers wouldnt be the same today its all aboot improving




how many books have you read :whistling:

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Just to recap there Gazza .Are you saying that middleton stuff has been improved of late by crossing or are you saying it was once improved before he got hold of it ?.

[/quothe fox terriers were x before he just took advantage of the improvment.even if it was for money puposes.my cuz got a lakie bitch of the man himself and [bANNED TEXT] a worker its turning out to be.

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