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Crossing terriers, out crossing

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I was going to say that but cant spell phenon......either :clapper:


My argument is that in todays advanced communication era ,there is no excuse for not looking for a same breed or even same line to put your worker to .No excuse not to see the sire /dam work either.Thats what sites like this do/should promote.

Ive found a sire for an outcross on here, and if i can anyone can .

Edited by foxdropper
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u dont see many pats about where i am so they may be trying to get a bigger gene pool going by putting pat to russel . but now bet loads will come on and shout at me saying theres loads of pats about


but you wouldn't be adding to the Pat gene pool, would you ???


I wouldnt want a pat with russell blood in that's for sure ...


any thoughts ???

i agree there i keep russels pure blood dont mix breeds but it was just a thought when u look at some terriers you can see the different breeds in them

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oh she was hard mate. lost her to ground last year. just stating that the sire was phenomially hard nevr backed off. had about 600 digs with him.

600 digs with a phenomenally hard dog... :whistling: explain hard ...?

stayed until dug to mate. alot of foxes he klled under ground. most of is digs were in old rock piles etc. was going for a second litter of the bitch but as stated she died of tunnel collapse on the second dig of the day. we lost two greats that day. :thumbs: the other one we lost was me mates best dog she died of after efects. :thumbdown:

Has anybody ever crossed a plummer x patterdale. just a thought wonder what they would be like.

Edited by sniper
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Hybrid vigour ,that seems to be the word of the month ,can be attained by breeding within a line as well as to something vastly different .For instance -Two lads breeding a line from the same source ,both outcrossing to a different sourse periodically and then get in touch by one means or another and use a mating of the same line to reinforce the gene =hybrid vigour-Recommended .

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Hybrid vigour ,that seems to be the word of the month ,can be attained by breeding within a line as well as to something vastly different .For instance -Two lads breeding a line from the same source ,both outcrossing to a different sourse periodically and then get in touch by one means or another and use a mating of the same line to reinforce the gene =hybrid vigour-Recommended .

most working dogs have been x bread somewhere down the line like x lakie with a lakie and it throwin a white pup because off the fox terrier in there genes,plummer terriers are a mix off three dogs to create a new breed.so it is done to try and better the dog taking advantages from each breed it is x with.does that make sense?

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Yes mate ,BUT,why cross in the first place if other examples of the breed are doing the job as well if not better .There are very good dogs of each earth working breed and i include borders and beddies in this . Why set out to create the unknown is beyond me .

curosity i guess.a jack with the balls of a lakie,its like a lurcher why not just use greyhounds and whippets?you x them to give them that extra edge

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most working dogs have been x bread somewhere down the line like x lakie with a lakie and it throwin a white pup because off the fox terrier in there genes


I'd bet you the die hard lakie men of years ago would be turning in their graves at that statement.... wasn't the fox terrier only a recent addition to add a bit of showy stuff to certain lines...


If I was a border man, then I'd stick to borders.... for their traits, I wouldn't want lakie blood in it..


If I was a Pat man, then I'd be looking at good pat studs from proven lines etc, I wouldn't want Russel, border or other breeds in it...


If I was a Russell man, blah blah... do you get my drift... ???


I just dont get the 'I've got a line of border/russells, or I've got a line of border/lakies.....


and before anyone get's on their high horse... my bedlingtons have lakeland in their breeding, so I'm no purist... just questioning why would you choose to do certain crosses... PAT/RUSSELL for example...

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most working dogs have been x bread somewhere down the line like x lakie with a lakie and it throwin a white pup because off the fox terrier in there genes


I'd bet you the die hard lakie men of years ago would be turning in their graves at that statement.... wasn't the fox terrier only a recent addition to add a bit of showy stuff to certain lines...


If I was a border man, then I'd stick to borders.... for their traits, I wouldn't want lakie blood in it..


If I was a Pat man, then I'd be looking at good pat studs from proven lines etc, I wouldn't want Russel, border or other breeds in it...


If I was a Russell man, blah blah... do you get my drift... ???


I just dont get the 'I've got a line of border/russells, or I've got a line of border/lakies.....


and before anyone get's on their high horse... my bedlingtons have lakeland in their breeding, so I'm no purist... just questioning why would you choose to do certain crosses... PAT/RUSSELL for example...

na been white lakies for years and years.gary middleton breeds n sells them and hes 1 of the best lakie men about.stick to crufts mate if you want pedigrees.workers r workers breed the best with the best
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na been white lakies for years and years.gary middleton breeds n sells them and hes 1 of the best lakie men about.stick to crufts mate if you want pedigrees.workers r workers breed the best with the best

What ??? explain what you think you just tried to say.. ???

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Middleton ,white throw backs :clapper::clapper: Pity he cant throw back the years to a time before he laid hands on a dog and went the racing pigeon route . :censored::censored:


White lakies been an embarrasement for decades

telling me you could breed any better no chance
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