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Ye sounds the best to me mate , Kay said she gave sugary tea , not really a running dog man but sure some of the guys will help you mate , atb Buster , hope it works out ok mate keep us posted


I didnt know what to do with her in all honesty other than have the vets number ready & keep an eye on her , she had a little drink of the tea & just lay in her crate panting for ages, but she did recover as quick & then ate some food & was back to normal


She hasnt run since then basically as we lost the other dog & she stuck to her like glue off the lead as the old terrier was hyper and never still so the greyhound ran round with her



I just given him another small feed small.....he seems fine in himself....but still sahking and rattling...


tried the vet who looks after our dogs..voicemails on.......having a part all weekend..........typical....


All I can do is watch this space :hmm:


Paul i was frantic here worrying about the dog , she wanted to be left alone in her crate when i walked her back after the run she kept stopping & i thought i was going to have to get someone to help me carry her home , but i just waited untill she wanted to walk, i cant remember what was said when i posted on here but i think it was sugested that her muscles were stiff , like cramp almost


All you can do is watch the dog & locate a vet if you really need one , i hope the dogs back to normal soon

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he slept all afternoon - so about 7 o'clock i thought i'd take them for a short walk...just incase it was a trapped nerve that needed freeing up.


Got into a paddock where he normally fly's...but he managed a couple of bounds and pulled up..........and seemed to be favouring his back end.


Got home, and he was very quiet..gave him his tea......and he was still shaking like hell........checked on him at 11 and he was still layed in the same position and had pissed on his bedding......


Got up this morning - and he seems fine...



The 'pissing in the bed thing' tho leads me to think its nerve connected...going to need some more investigation.

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Ye sounds the best to me mate , Kay said she gave sugary tea , not really a running dog man but sure some of the guys will help you mate , atb Buster , hope it works out ok mate keep us posted


I didnt know what to do with her in all honesty other than have the vets number ready & keep an eye on her , she had a little drink of the tea & just lay in her crate panting for ages, but she did recover as quick & then ate some food & was back to normal


She hasnt run since then basically as we lost the other dog & she stuck to her like glue off the lead as the old terrier was hyper and never still so the greyhound ran round with her



I just given him another small feed small.....he seems fine in himself....but still sahking and rattling...


tried the vet who looks after our dogs..voicemails on.......having a part all weekend..........typical....


All I can do is watch this space :hmm:


Paul i was frantic here worrying about the dog , she wanted to be left alone in her crate when i walked her back after the run she kept stopping & i thought i was going to have to get someone to help me carry her home , but i just waited untill she wanted to walk, i cant remember what was said when i posted on here but i think it was sugested that her muscles were stiff , like cramp almost


All you can do is watch the dog & locate a vet if you really need one , i hope the dogs back to normal soon


if its heat exaustion.....

the best thing you can do in that situation is get the dog in some water. If its heat exaustion the dog will look like its drunk and thats the critical time. It doesnt take long for a dog to over-heat in hot weather and its essential you lower its body temperature. I have had this happen once to me and it was quite nerve-wracking....after a couple of minutes in the local beck things were back to normal.


muscle cramps a different thing.....maybe a rub-down before you run it again..... :victory:

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he slept all afternoon - so about 7 o'clock i thought i'd take them for a short walk...just incase it was a trapped nerve that needed freeing up.


Got into a paddock where he normally fly's...but he managed a couple of bounds and pulled up..........and seemed to be favouring his back end.


Got home, and he was very quiet..gave him his tea......and he was still shaking like hell........checked on him at 11 and he was still layed in the same position and had pissed on his bedding......


Got up this morning - and he seems fine...



The 'pissing in the bed thing' tho leads me to think its nerve connected...going to need some more investigation.


Paul...take the dog to a proper greyhound man. I know a chap only half an hour from you.......he will sort your dog in 15 mins....let me know if you want details....i strongly reccomend it.... :notworthy:


Dont waste your money at a "dog and cat" vet...they do not understand the complexity of working dogs....good luck..JD

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Had a mate come down with Heat-stroke once,collapsed on a trail,I dumped him in a stream and poured water over his head,he was a bit groggy for a while,spewed-up,got a re-hydration drink into him,good as new though twice as ugly :victory:

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Had a mate come down with Heat-stroke once,collapsed on a trail,I dumped him in a stream and poured water over his head,he was a bit groggy for a while,spewed-up,got a re-hydration drink into him,good as new though twice as ugly :victory:

yes mate...its no laughing matter when dog or human goes off their feet. :victory:

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he slept all afternoon - so about 7 o'clock i thought i'd take them for a short walk...just incase it was a trapped nerve that needed freeing up.


Got into a paddock where he normally fly's...but he managed a couple of bounds and pulled up..........and seemed to be favouring his back end.


Got home, and he was very quiet..gave him his tea......and he was still shaking like hell........checked on him at 11 and he was still layed in the same position and had pissed on his bedding......


Got up this morning - and he seems fine...



The 'pissing in the bed thing' tho leads me to think its nerve connected...going to need some more investigation.


Paul...take the dog to a proper greyhound man. I know a chap only half an hour from you.......he will sort your dog in 15 mins....let me know if you want details....i strongly reccomend it.... :notworthy:


Dont waste your money at a "dog and cat" vet...they do not understand the complexity of working dogs....good luck..JD





Thank you................ I would love the details............................... I had overlooked the overheating thing completely.


and thinking about it it was baking yesturday mornign and he layed it the sun on the patio - sleeping for at least two hours.....he was absolutely fine before that - and being black aswell I wouldnt be suprised if he's baked himself.



The symptoms were exactly as you described - being drunk and disoriented and staggering .



He seems fine today - but I was very concerned yesturday.


I hope its that - I still may pop him round to your friend for a once over - thanks again

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sounds like he could've tied up mate, a build up of lactic acid common in horses and similar symptoms. tripart paste is good for dogs prone to it, look it up on google. when horses get it we spoon baking powder on back of tongue and it neutralises acid build up and gives almost instant relief.

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sounds like he could've tied up mate, a build up of lactic acid common in horses and similar symptoms. tripart paste is good for dogs prone to it, look it up on google. when horses get it we spoon baking powder on back of tongue and it neutralises acid build up and gives almost instant relief.



CheersvWhip...never come accorss this- - i'l do some research online......whats the clinical name for it so I can search.





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ok well if it were me , ide give the vet a ring to put my mind at rest



just spoke to a frfiend whosa a very experienced dog man....he recons I may be running him too hard as he's done so little for 9 months.....he suggested giving him sugery...chocy bar...???


Done that ..he wolved it so theres nothing up with his apetite..................I going to give him a thorough good massage and warm rub-down.......and see what he's like in an hour or so....

six grams of glucose mate in warm water.had same thing a while back with mates dog.she recoverd over night.good luck



thanks alot mate

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Paul, I'm no expert mate but I recon your dog was exhausted after his run, giving him food was probably too much for his system to handle. I'd have him checked out by a vet to be safe. When he's back on form I'd leave out the feed for an hour or so after heavy work, just clean cool water, let him cool down, then feed him. Good luck.


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So paul , hows he doing today ? any ideas what it was mate ??


Hi Bud....................Im happy to report that he's completely back to his normal self - no problem at all.


Thanks for all the advice - but I'l have to go with the overheating scenario as he was asleep in the hot sun for a couple of hours and was fine before that.....One would auotmatically think he would have moved if he'd got too hot ------ but then again as so call 'intelligent beings'; humans sit in the sun, and fry themselves all the time!!!!!!!!


thanks for your concerns buster.....

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