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Khan vs Presscot

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When i said Khan was chinny,and Gnasher you made comparisons with Benn and Hearns.Then yes both Hearns and Benn were chinny,but never in the chinny league of Khan.Prescott lands with a jab after seconds of the start,a nothing punch,obviously thrown as a rangefinder yet it rocked Khan to his soles,then a glancing scuff across his temple had him doing a jig.The right and left that followed had him bordering on sleep,long before the "coup de grace" was delivered".Hearns had a slug fest with A prime Leonard and a prime Hagler,and yes he was knocked senseless,but it was an accumulation of punches that finally finished him.Benn had his infamous war with Mclleland (very sad outcome) Benn was hanging out of the ring in the first,and badly shaken on a few occasions during the fight and still won,but!! Benn was only found wanting in the highest echelons of the sport,he was rattled and beaten but only by the best.Khan has been wobbled by nearly every fighter he's fought,and by some "nothing" punches.I think his career was built on an ice pedestal,and it started melting during the Limond fight.As always its just my oppinion,but id bet my house that Khan career will end with a bang,namely another night like Saturday,no amount of defensive skill or conditioning will stop him being hit,and when it happens he will fall yet again.


That's a great bit of writing Bill, would not look out of place in the sports pages of a newspaper.

Some excellent replys following too.

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not to jump on the band wagon here but on other posts ive replied that hes frankies boy and when he gets through the fodder and has made frank enough helle get found out it was just sooner than i thought :boxing:

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Ironically Hearns was'nt chinny at light-heavy, perhaps because a more natural order of height/weight ratio was formed (and lets face it a 6-two welter is a bit of a freak). For my money Khans problems are in his footwork, both he and Naseem chose the Clay/Leonard style of dropping the gaurd whilst inside of striking range....the thing they overlooked was both clays and Leonards dropping of the gaurd within a danger zone was only illusory...Khan got tagged with his weight distribution split 50/50....with no gaurd and somewhat drunk on his own hand speed it is very easy to forget where exactly the feet are placed. Clay and Leonard knew those disciplines before they reached olympic level and there in lyes the real difference.



But hearns only moved up to light heavy in his quest for 5 world titles...it was nowhere near his natural weight....now personally i wouldnt put andries,virgil hill or barklay in the same league as leonard,hagler etc...yet these were probably his 3 most important fights at light heavy 1 of which he lost the other 2 he won by the skin of his teeth....you cant seriously think that tommy hearns had anything less than a very brittle chin.....the punch hagler caught him with that put him down barely touched him...but being glass chinned it had enough effect....same as the roldan fight he was caught with scuffs that put him down....i dont think hearns chin problem is even up for debate......the only reason i brought it up was for these folk who think i fighter with a glass chin cant go anywhere....well hearns was a 5 weight world champion with his !

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Gnasher, let me more specific.The greatest fighters and the greatest defensive technicians were still hit (just less often than most) and yes Benn had a nightmare evening that night but Benn wasn't staggered by every moderately hard punch in every fight.Khan is freakishly big for a lightweight and freakishly chinny.I'm stunned that anyone could fail to be shocked at how easily he is tagged,and how easily he kisse's canvas.Whilst im no expert,ive been following this game for 35 years,and i've seen many Khans over the years.Its a sad fact of life that some boxers will not have the necessary attributes in every area i.e. A decent chin,and boxing brain.Khans reaction to being stunned or hurt is to save face by trying to man it out.On the subject of Khans age,maturity and lack of high level experience,this kid was highly ranked enough to walk from terrestral tv and go ppv for a nothing fight.Heres how i see it,comeback against a bum,followed by some more "easy nights" once the public are taken in by the hype again him and warren announce some abstract world title fight where yet again Khan is found wanting in the chin department.lastly im stunned that some have compared him to Hamed,Hamed was the real deal,he just started to believe the hype and walked away from the people who had taken him where he was.Bill :thumbs:



Wouldnt say im an expert either bill.....did a fair bit as a younger chap and as you know you never lose the interest or passion......and yes ive seen plenty of khans come and go some made it some didnt....hamed was a khan in his early stage and he made it...benn the same....some dont and we forget them maybe khan himself will fall into this bracket.....personally i dont think he will.......if he becomes technically proficient and more than just the delivery of punches he can do what other chinny fighters have done......like myself you must have seen plenty of top level fighters over the years who have made the most of what they had and with technical ability disguised their flaws.....if he does win a version of a world title he wont be the first chinny fighter to do so and certainly not the last......yes of course khan will be nursed onto a title shot at some stage....its nothing new bill !......mike tyson was nursed to a world title shot without having to take a punch ! :D ...frank bruno also...apart from the bonecrusher fight ....for someone who seems to understand the game i dont see why your so shocked.......

I agree 100 % about your thoughts on naseem hamed.

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That's a great bit of writing Bill, would not look out of place in the sports pages of a newspaper.

Some excellent replys following too.


Thats very kind of you to say so Shepp and im flattered mate :icon_redface::icon_redface: but im far too oppinonated to write anything serious :laugh:


For those that are interested have a look at this article,i think its a very good appraisal of Amirs performance and future.


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