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i have whipxbeddy/greyxwhip pup four month old fractured front leg between elbow /rist was in splints three weeks vets know put frame on side of leg to keep leg straight pup looks like full whippet she 18inch tts five month old tomorrow 23 pounds weight what are chances of working her next season i am rapping her in [ cotton wool ] and going to her every chance just wandering has any one experience of this thanks to all in advance . i cant put pictures up tried and tried pup in question is my avatar.

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Hopefully as she is so young and light and her bones have a lot of growing still to do she can make a good recovery. My terrier pup had a broken back leg at about 12 weeks and it was splinted and she recovered well. I believe keeping her as quiet and still as possible (as you can with a young pup) (immobilized in a cage moslty) helped.


Good luck. Keep us posted on her progress.

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i have whipxbeddy/greyxwhip pup four month old fractured front leg between elbow /rist was in splints three weeks vets know put frame on side of leg to keep leg straight pup looks like full whippet she 18inch tts five month old tomorrow 23 pounds weight what are chances of working her next season i am rapping her in [ cotton wool ] and going to her every chance just wandering has any one experience of this thanks to all in advance . i cant put pictures up tried and tried pup in question is my avatar.


Providing there are no complications the dog will be fine....the dog in my avatar broke his leg at around the same age and came back everybit as good....same thing happend again 3 nights ago (diff dog) so he's currently in a cast hopefully will be back in action around Jan - Feb

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thanks feel bit more confident now got her in 6x8 shed heat lamp woodshaving all over floor only comes out to go to vets .got toys radio .when frame comes off i will put in a dog run for a month then start light walks on road keeping on lead at alltime except when in dogrun .next august she should be good as new and ready to run .god willing .thanks for guidance and reasurance .

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make sure dog gets plenty off calicum and iff you go to a hearbaliest ask what the stuff is what they give humans recovering from fracture us it on a racing greyhound a few years ago cant remember name off it but vet was immpressed with xrays after useing it and dog run again and won to a lot off peoples shock

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