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In my experience they are an excellent hunting dog, almost hound-like, they are energetic and quite hyper active at home, but once out in the field they are a different dog! I use mine to hunt quarry out of woods to waiting guns. Or just out daytime mooching with the lurcher. They will stick on a line for a long way, so maybe not too good for areas with lots of busy roads. They give tounge usually and scream on a fox!

Obviously, I can only comment on the ones ive seen and owned, others may differ. The type of cocker ive used is the large, strong type, which are very different dogs to some of the wee uns I see about.

Any questions, feel free to ask. Hope this helps :thumbs:

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as an owner of a small (ish) pure cocker, just adding my bit


sorry to those who have seen ths pic before, this was the end of august, when i was out ferreting, the cocker caught the rabbit which was in a patch of grass on a large open field! her first solo rabbit



she is show/pet bred and was/is my wifes pet dog, then we moved out of london and i got ferrets again and got back into hunting/shooting etc......!


my cocker will hunt and has a good nose, she doesn't have a lot of prey drive and doesn't like fighting through really really dense bramble etc.....she will pin rabbits though, with her mouth and feet, but doesn't really bite them like a terrier would, she has a really good nose and will hunt reeds and loose cover very well, however i should imagine the infusion of terrier or some other small game dog would correct the "faults" she has.


I would imagine a patterdale (or any terrier or rabbit hound) would add the prey drive and the willingness to get into cover and you would have a very capable bushing dog , by lack of prey drive i mean to actually bite the prey , but she will try and hold it in a half hearted manner......maybe if i had started her on rats when she was a pup she would bite first and ask questions later :whistling:


I have seen some cocker x patterdales, they looked just like small black cockers!


Good luck with any dogs you get and keep us up dated pics etc...

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