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:clapper: The Welsh Valleys Working T and L club are holding their annual champion of champions and open show at Gelligaer s wales CF82 8FU near the cross inn pub on Sept 28th 2008signposted from the A470 please note the show shedules have been changed for this year the Champion of Champion show will occur first starting at 11 o clock If you have qualified can you please be on the field by 11 thanks this show will then be followed by the open show anyone including those who have qualified for the championship will be elligable to enter the open show after for more info see the countrymans weekly or tel cath o1443 438535



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thanks cath nice to speak to you, for all who is going to the welsh valleys champion of champions show we will have a trade stand there selling lamps,battires, clothing ,nets, etc etc etc hope the weather is fine and would like to put faces to some names lol. 10% discount will be given for all hunting life members who are in sain :whistling: if any lol :victory:

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