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breaking too dog

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hi everyone, i am due too pick up two hobs on wendsday,wonderd if anyone could explain how i would break my lurcher 13month,i also have a jrt of 10 week so he should be easier but its my lurcher im worring about,anyone help with the routine too dogs too ferrets


many thanks


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Let the lurcher see them in the hutch first then introduce them to him. Let them run through a couple of rabbit sets and if any bolt the lurcher should chase them and he should see them as allies rather than something else to kill. Just hope the ferrets don't nip him as that will almost certainly make him kill them. Good luck mate

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I didn't have much trouble as I had the ferrets first and jrt grew up with them. As I got more dogs they all learned from the russell. My ferret cage is at a low level so the dogs can see them at all times. They can see them when fed etc. My jrt is a gem with them so gentle, and my lurcher got nipped by the new hob and now she avoids them.


I would say that if you have good control of the lurcher then hold the ferret and let the lurcher sniff etc and praise for gentleness and avoid any aggression with control. When you are confident with that let the ferrets run around on the ground, and if you aren't to sure then keep dog on a lead. Always praise good behaviour. When you are happy that dog and ferret are good together off the lead, let them share a bowl of milk, it is a great way of them to trust. And when you are working them, the dog will learn that the ferret is a part of the pack and provides it with rabbits. The terrier should be ok as it is young and should learn from the older dog. Also it should be timid enough if ferret is boisterous.


My ferret hob kit got out a few days ago and ended up in a neighbours hall way haha but I found him in the yard eating and drinking with the four dogs with no bother, and I have a jrt a terrier xspaniel a bull lurcher and a collie and no trouble. So exposure and praise is the best way I think of breaking them, They will be friends eventually through work etc. Good luck with it all.


Will you use your terrier for ferreting?

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I didn't have much trouble as I had the ferrets first and jrt grew up with them. As I got more dogs they all learned from the russell. My ferret cage is at a low level so the dogs can see them at all times. They can see them when fed etc. My jrt is a gem with them so gentle, and my lurcher got nipped by the new hob and now she avoids them.


I would say that if you have good control of the lurcher then hold the ferret and let the lurcher sniff etc and praise for gentleness and avoid any aggression with control. When you are confident with that let the ferrets run around on the ground, and if you aren't to sure then keep dog on a lead. Always praise good behaviour. When you are happy that dog and ferret are good together off the lead, let them share a bowl of milk, it is a great way of them to trust. And when you are working them, the dog will learn that the ferret is a part of the pack and provides it with rabbits. The terrier should be ok as it is young and should learn from the older dog. Also it should be timid enough if ferret is boisterous.


My ferret hob kit got out a few days ago and ended up in a neighbours hall way haha but I found him in the yard eating and drinking with the four dogs with no bother, and I have a jrt a terrier xspaniel a bull lurcher and a collie and no trouble. So exposure and praise is the best way I think of breaking them, They will be friends eventually through work etc. Good luck with it all.


Will you use your terrier for ferreting?


cheers mate some good advice there, will be taking the terrier,not yet though when hes older,

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One of the easiest thing to do when the dogs are steady and young.

























Sorry for the poor quality with the older pictures, digital camera's and PC's hadn't been invented then... B)




Edited by MikeTheDog
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One of the easiest thing to do when the dogs are steady and young.

























Sorry for the poor quality with the older pictures, digital camera's and PC's hadn't been invented then... B)




Brilliant pics there! This was my terrier 2 days ago with my best working ferret!


It was no easy feat mind! It took lots of time and effort to get them to this stage! Any time she showed ANY intersest in the ferrets I just tapped her and said 'NO'. I tied her up for a few ferreting trips and let her see that 'Ferret in = Rabbit out


And she soon got the jist!#This was one of my most memorable days ferreting!



Now she is trustworthy with my ferrets and is a good marker and dispatcher!



She's also good at digging!



It can be done! Honest! :yes:

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Guest on the hill

ive never had a problem with that as my dogs have allways taken to things like ferrets or the family hampster as a family or "pack" member easily as that is the way i have introduced them, obviously with caution ;)

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