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all round lurcher

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i know some lads and lasses think to be an all round lurcher it has to take rabbit fox deer but im not so sure,deer maybe yes fox ok not a must hare the ocasional one but what about working to nets retrieving shot game day or night and from out of cover or water, ferreting day time hunting up night work we nets you know the score so what lads floats your boats.not trying to say any of wich should make the all round dog but whats your opinion.

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i know some lads and lasses think to be an all round lurcher it has to take rabbit fox deer but im not so sure,deer maybe yes fox ok not a must hare the ocasional one but what about working to nets retrieving shot game day or night and from out of cover or water, ferreting day time hunting up night work we nets you know the score so what lads floats your boats.not trying to say any of wich should make the all round dog but whats your opinion.


working to nets yes but if i wanted a dog to do the rest i would get a lab or spanial

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i know some lads and lasses think to be an all round lurcher it has to take rabbit fox deer but im not so sure,deer maybe yes fox ok not a must hare the ocasional one but what about working to nets retrieving shot game day or night and from out of cover or water, ferreting day time hunting up night work we nets you know the score so what lads floats your boats.not trying to say any of wich should make the all round dog but whats your opinion.


working to nets yes but if i wanted a dog to do the rest i would get a lab or spanial

so when you go out on a night looking to fill the pot you take your lamp and maybe an air rifle to smack a few pigeons or pheasants your lurcher would not do what you required.

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:gunsmilie: You would be better off wae a lab or a spaniel than any of the wheelie bin headed bull crosses i have seen.Why anyone would want one of these monstrosities is beyond me i mean why cross a greyhound with a wee fat boulder headed mongo all it does is create muscle bound braindead fighters for wee weirdos to parade around as status symbols.

i know some lads and lasses think to be an all round lurcher it has to take rabbit fox deer but im not so sure,deer maybe yes fox ok not a must hare the ocasional one but what about working to nets retrieving shot game day or night and from out of cover or water, ferreting day time hunting up night work we nets you know the score so what lads floats your boats.not trying to say any of wich should make the all round dog but whats your opinion.


working to nets yes but if i wanted a dog to do the rest i would get a lab or spanial

so when you go out on a night looking to fill the pot you take your lamp and maybe an air rifle to smack a few pigeons or pheasants your lurcher would not do what you required.

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:gunsmilie: You would be better off wae a lab or a spaniel than any of the wheelie bin headed bull crosses i have seen.Why anyone would want one of these monstrosities is beyond me i mean why cross a greyhound with a wee fat boulder headed mongo all it does is create muscle bound braindead fighters for wee weirdos to parade around as status symbols.
i know some lads and lasses think to be an all round lurcher it has to take rabbit fox deer but im not so sure,deer maybe yes fox ok not a must hare the ocasional one but what about working to nets retrieving shot game day or night and from out of cover or water, ferreting day time hunting up night work we nets you know the score so what lads floats your boats.not trying to say any of wich should make the all round dog but whats your opinion.


working to nets yes but if i wanted a dog to do the rest i would get a lab or spanial

so when you go out on a night looking to fill the pot you take your lamp and maybe an air rifle to smack a few pigeons or pheasants your lurcher would not do what you required.

im not sure what your getting at, no mention of that in this.
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to me i keep as near as al rounders , they knack a roe not bad ferreting put a show up on a hare and knack the odd fox when i could sell 10 roe a week etc i wanted bigg ole dogs 27 28 at times man handle any deer etc but lacked abit rabbiting and daylight now i keep dogs of 25 26 inches and they do very fine etc , i think teaching any pup even my line bred salukcrosses is a good leveler for brain work and as thye get old and if thye are worth breeding a job in there old age lana my collie cross does pestcontrol round private land as sheel go were the rabbit is find were ever and i get paid ,but will be a hard act to follow ,alot of customers o shees wonderfull i feel like saying well knock back the clock 4 yeasr and she would be lying on piles of roe hares etc and mayb a rabbit but im not realy mad on lamping rabbs etc times change

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