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you guys must have a big problame, what do thay do that makes you want them not around anny more?


i want squrriels over here, i rekon it would awsome hunting them.





Brief explaination......


They were deliberately introduced into this country from North America over about a 40 year period from the late 19th century.


They are more aggressive/domineering than our native Red although they seldom fight, the Grey moves in and the Red just moves away. The Grey carries the Squirrel Pox Virus although is immune to it, just gives it to the Red and they die! The Grey is also well known for its tree/foliage/plant damage and has been known to take eggs and young from nests!


We want the Red and want to get rid of the Grey!!!!


There is lots more to the situation but I suspect that is enough to give you an idea! :thumbs:

Edited by Deker
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