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The Humble Ferret

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How many remember their little hunting companions as trusting loyal and efficient predators with a do or die attitude! I’ve had many ferrets over the years and only a few stay in my memory, those that gave exceptional service with 100% commitment and 100% trustworthy especially when you pushed your hand through the labyrinth of tunnels feeling your way to the coney over the determined ferret that has the rabbit bottled in the stop end. How many of to days tyros could do that with their ferrets, so much talk of “how do you stop a ferret biting?†We reinvent the wheel so many times when we guide the young ferreters of today that have just come into this ancient and traditional sport. I think that they read the hunting sites and think, “that’s the game for me†only to get bored after a season and go back to their game boy thingies or maybe getting a penis extension by way of a camel footed bull cross retard and leaving their little hunting buddies stuck in squalor and shit forgotten in some dark and dismal corner of the garden.



I remember some of my old favourites passing away, or being euthanized when all hope was gone, sad moments that would only stay with a softie like myself…lol for I am not a hardened teenager who would discard a ferret like an empty tin or polystyrene kebab box on a Saturday night.



Last week I euthanized an old and poorly ferret that had given me exceptional service since she came into my care several years ago, I reckon she was about two when I got her as she was fully grown and knew the business of rabbits, as only a ferret should!






Fortunately she produced a number of credible off spring, many that have gone to various members of these hunting forums. Most especially is Domino a silver hob with a couple of very distinguishing features.






A superb and efficient hunter that will come to your call when he’s finished in a bury and walk along with the dog to the next set of holes.



Can’t wait for the winter season to sort its self and the ferreting starts proper!






Good hunting all!

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I'm sorry to hear about your recent loss MTD :cry: nothing compares to a days ferreting in my opinion, I have a great working ferret at the minute that I got for free off Lone Wolf (Dont know if he's still a member on here?) And like you; I decided to get some off spring from her (I was lucky enough to have one of Woodgas hob ferrets as the father!) I cant wait to try them out later in the season, the mother was out today doing her stuff and doing it so well! I cant imagine ferreting without her now to be honest so I know exactly what you are saying! :yes:

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How many remember their little hunting companions as trusting loyal and efficient predators with a do or die attitude! I’ve had many ferrets over the years and only a few stay in my memory, those that gave exceptional service with 100% commitment and 100% trustworthy especially when you pushed your hand through the labyrinth of tunnels feeling your way to the coney over the determined ferret that has the rabbit bottled in the stop end. How many of to days tyros could do that with their ferrets, so much talk of “how do you stop a ferret biting?†We reinvent the wheel so many times when we guide the young ferreters of today that have just come into this ancient and traditional sport. I think that they read the hunting sites and think, “that’s the game for me†only to get bored after a season and go back to their game boy thingies or maybe getting a penis extension by way of a camel footed bull cross retard and leaving their little hunting buddies stuck in squalor and shit forgotten in some dark and dismal corner of the garden.



I remember some of my old favourites passing away, or being euthanized when all hope was gone, sad moments that would only stay with a softie like myself…lol for I am not a hardened teenager who would discard a ferret like an empty tin or polystyrene kebab box on a Saturday night.



Last week I euthanized an old and poorly ferret that had given me exceptional service since she came into my care several years ago, I reckon she was about two when I got her as she was fully grown and knew the business of rabbits, as only a ferret should!






Fortunately she produced a number of credible off spring, many that have gone to various members of these hunting forums. Most especially is Domino a silver hob with a couple of very distinguishing features.






A superb and efficient hunter that will come to your call when he’s finished in a bury and walk along with the dog to the next set of holes.



Can’t wait for the winter season to sort its self and the ferreting starts proper!






Good hunting all!



respect to you and your ferrets :good:

i,ve allways said look after your ferrets and they will look after you.




Edited by cjw
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How many remember their little hunting companions as trusting loyal and efficient predators with a do or die attitude! I’ve had many ferrets over the years and only a few stay in my memory, those that gave exceptional service with 100% commitment and 100% trustworthy especially when you pushed your hand through the labyrinth of tunnels feeling your way to the coney over the determined ferret that has the rabbit bottled in the stop end. How many of to days tyros could do that with their ferrets, so much talk of “how do you stop a ferret biting?†We reinvent the wheel so many times when we guide the young ferreters of today that have just come into this ancient and traditional sport. I think that they read the hunting sites and think, “that’s the game for me†only to get bored after a season and go back to their game boy thingies or maybe getting a penis extension by way of a camel footed bull cross retard and leaving their little hunting buddies stuck in squalor and shit forgotten in some dark and dismal corner of the garden.



I remember some of my old favourites passing away, or being euthanized when all hope was gone, sad moments that would only stay with a softie like myself…lol for I am not a hardened teenager who would discard a ferret like an empty tin or polystyrene kebab box on a Saturday night.



Last week I euthanized an old and poorly ferret that had given me exceptional service since she came into my care several years ago, I reckon she was about two when I got her as she was fully grown and knew the business of rabbits, as only a ferret should!






Fortunately she produced a number of credible off spring, many that have gone to various members of these hunting forums. Most especially is Domino a silver hob with a couple of very distinguishing features.






A superb and efficient hunter that will come to your call when he’s finished in a bury and walk along with the dog to the next set of holes.



Can’t wait for the winter season to sort its self and the ferreting starts proper!






Good hunting all!

Well said that man

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That was a great tribute Mike: I must confess to feeling quite a bit of affection for my ferrets, and I'm gutted when one goes. One of my best was simply called Mother: she was great with her kits LOL. She did me well for quite a few years, and seldom laid up, though killed quite a few as she got older: you had to be quick with the mark if you wanted to dig to them cos she'd be off and killing the next! A fault maybe, but she was a great little worker.

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