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Exremely Conditioned Pitbull

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the red dog in the pic (red leopard catahoula over american bulldog) was in that condition year round. i kept him that way by roading him 3X a week. i'd go out in the truck and let him chase it at 25-30 MPH for 12 miles on dirt roads. i'd also take him out after game at every opportunity. he only ever got fat when the Marines sent me somewhere longer than a month and the wife fed him nasty kibble. i fed him raw (road kill deer was his favorite). he could run w/ scenthounds for miles chasing bear and was a cracker of a running catchdog on boar. no creatine, no roids or any other gay crap.


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the red dog in the pic (red leopard catahoula over american bulldog) was in that condition year round. i kept him that way by roading him 3X a week. i'd go out in the truck and let him chase it at 25-30 MPH for 12 miles on dirt roads. i'd also take him out after game at every opportunity. he only ever got fat when the Marines sent me somewhere longer than a month and the wife fed him nasty kibble. i fed him raw (road kill deer was his favorite). he could run w/ scenthounds for miles chasing bear and was a cracker of a running catchdog on boar. no creatine, no roids or any other gay crap.


lovely looking animals those what is the white one a bulldog?

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i would defo have a lurcher out of it and i have would have the dog itself. excellent condition. :thumns:
you could of had a lucher out of one very simaler :whistling: still got the dog.did you see pics on lurcher thred :victory: ootys sire and dam by fireman :thumbs:
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Guest longslip
the red dog in the pic (red leopard catahoula over american bulldog) was in that condition year round. i kept him that way by roading him 3X a week. i'd go out in the truck and let him chase it at 25-30 MPH for 12 miles on dirt roads. i'd also take him out after game at every opportunity. he only ever got fat when the Marines sent me somewhere longer than a month and the wife fed him nasty kibble. i fed him raw (road kill deer was his favorite). he could run w/ scenthounds for miles chasing bear and was a cracker of a running catchdog on boar. no creatine, no roids or any other gay crap.


Whats the jacket on the white dog for Pops??
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the red dog in the pic (red leopard catahoula over american bulldog) was in that condition year round. i kept him that way by roading him 3X a week. i'd go out in the truck and let him chase it at 25-30 MPH for 12 miles on dirt roads. i'd also take him out after game at every opportunity. he only ever got fat when the Marines sent me somewhere longer than a month and the wife fed him nasty kibble. i fed him raw (road kill deer was his favorite). he could run w/ scenthounds for miles chasing bear and was a cracker of a running catchdog on boar. no creatine, no roids or any other gay crap.


Great post mate love the red dog ,more please :notworthy:

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stunning dog,but would anyone with kids seriously consider owning that thing, unless theyre a bit of a :wallbash:


I wouldn't consider taking it on as an adult if it was that way inclined no but if i were to take it on from a pup i'm sure it would be ok, never leave kids with dogs full stop!

My old terrier would bite anyone who annoys him but never a child or elderly/disabled, he loves our baby too but i'd never leave him with her especially when she's in her walker as he doesn't like being chased by it. If he bit a kid he would not get a second chance. A labrador tried to take my little cousins face off for absolutely feck all.



So your terrier must be overly intelligent if it can tell the difference between an elderly person,child and disabled person! Good on ye for that! :whistling:

Are you saying that dogs can't sense that they need to be gentler with some people?

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the red dog in the pic (red leopard catahoula over american bulldog) was in that condition year round. i kept him that way by roading him 3X a week. i'd go out in the truck and let him chase it at 25-30 MPH for 12 miles on dirt roads. i'd also take him out after game at every opportunity. he only ever got fat when the Marines sent me somewhere longer than a month and the wife fed him nasty kibble. i fed him raw (road kill deer was his favorite). he could run w/ scenthounds for miles chasing bear and was a cracker of a running catchdog on boar. no creatine, no roids or any other gay crap.


Whats the jacket on the white dog for Pops??



the jacket protects the dog from the boars tusks

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stunning dog,but would anyone with kids seriously consider owning that thing, unless theyre a bit of a :wallbash:


I wouldn't consider taking it on as an adult if it was that way inclined no but if i were to take it on from a pup i'm sure it would be ok, never leave kids with dogs full stop!

My old terrier would bite anyone who annoys him but never a child or elderly/disabled, he loves our baby too but i'd never leave him with her especially when she's in her walker as he doesn't like being chased by it. If he bit a kid he would not get a second chance. A labrador tried to take my little cousins face off for absolutely feck all.



So your terrier must be overly intelligent if it can tell the difference between an elderly person,child and disabled person! Good on ye for that! :whistling:

Are you saying that dogs can't sense that they need to be gentler with some people?

If i had a pound for every time my staffords changed gear for a little un id be rich :whistling:

i assume this is not just a stafford trait but any well adjusted dog brought up with kids would know to change down a gear or 2 :big_boss: though the worker who only knows kennel life his master and the excitement of his work may not be so tractable :whistling:

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I can't say how fast he was actually running but the speedometer on my truck ranged from 25-30 during theses runs and he stayed withing 50M of the truck. the run was 6 miles out and 6 miles back. in the summer(high humidity and over 90), if he wasn't feeling well from the heat he'd drop into a puddle to cool off. i'd wait for him to be ready again and off we'd go. obviously he had to build up to this as he grew. as a pup he ran and played. i started running him w/ me when he hit 9 months. at first just a couple miles until we got to doing 5-7 3 days a week plus an 8-12 on the weekend in the off season. but then my running speed wasn't fast enough to work him, so i switched to roading. because of the higher speed i started off at 6 miles again for a couple of weeks then went to 7, 10 and finally 12.


Everyone else

the white dog is a dogo argentino bred by a very nice fella down in Argentina goes by the handle Dogoman. for reference the longdog was 29 tts and 66#, the red dog was 23 1/2" tts and 76# in the pic, the dogo (Mikey) was 27-28 and 112#. a magnificent beast extremely impressive catchdog. on this particular hog he had a poor set when he caught and the hog ran him over but he hung on to the ear. i was coming from a different direction having just got my two off another hog. when i saw mikey get plowed under i turned out Jack (the red dog). jack caught on the opposite "arm pit" and Mikey's owner Aaron stabbed the hog. the vest is infact a protective cut vest. on the hunt previous to this one, Mikey had gotten cut under his chin almost to his neck. Aaron's lovely wife Jill insisted he buy a vest because she "didn't want her baby getting killed by some stupid hog!" Mikey is an absolute darling w/ the family's two daughters and the house cat.

also a couple of weeks ago Aaron was walking Mikey when they saw a fella running from a lady in a police uniform. Mikey keyed in on the whole scene and Aaron let him grab the fella and hold him for the Lady. it turned out the guy had just hit and run from TWO vehicle accidents (injuring people) and the lady chasing him was a police dispatcher who witnessed the last accident. he also apparently had warrants out on him for similar offenses. the police are supposed to be giving him an official letter of gratitude. just a very good dog. he does have a peculiarity though in that he talks in growls. when he wants to be petted he rubs against your leg and growls his happy growl. happy, sad, tired all growls, no barking. i haven't heard his angry growl and would prefer not to. it's disconcerting at first but once you get used to it it's no big deal.

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