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Shot Dog

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The pup is alive and well took him out this afternoon as normal bushing with the terriers and my other lurcher,he is doing very well marking occupied burys and has even marked a fox with my other lurcher getting that excited he started to dig at the entrance,he is 6 months next week he is quiet in kennels and is showing so much promise I will keep him if a [bANNED TEXT] is in need of a dog in the future then a deal will be sorted.

Only a fool would shoot a dog as well bred as this one and only a fool would advertise it as shot on the net,but only a bigger fool still would believe it LOl :D

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I was asking £150 [bANNED TEXT] but ime in no rush to see him go,of all the lurchers Ive had there has only been 2 ive liked one was killed a few years ago lamping,the other my 1stx from turk is a real favourite of mine,and now this pup just seems to want to please and occasionaly shows me he has potential.Be a real shock if I had 2 lurchers at the same time that I liked lol.

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Told ya :haha: !I actually put on your original post that the dog was probably kipping in its kennel as everyone was mourning its death :haha: Some people aint got a sense of humour :p;)



In the kennel with a bowl of complete feed a bowl full of lamb ribs fresh water dry clean bedding and even a radio playing to help him sleep LOL

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only a fool would advertise it as shot on the net,


you said it,it must be only me who hasn't got a sense of humour on this forum there was nothing L O L! about it,some of you lads who slated him this afternoon are all LOL,LOL,LOL funny as feck eh!!!!can not stop fecking laughing!!!!!

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only a fool would advertise it as shot on the net,


you said it,it must be only me who hasn't got a sense of humour on this forum there was nothing L O L! about it,some of you lads who slated him this afternoon are all LOL,LOL,LOL funny as feck eh!!!!can not stop fecking laughing!!!!!




:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

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i notice all your heros are flocking to you to defend you now Kane that the dog is ok..nudge nudge wink wink what a funny guy ha ha a real joker..

They werent so quick to come to your aid when your first said it was shot,,,,

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