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Is this OK for a .243 Reload?

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I am reloading .243 but I am a bit nervous of this cartridge for some reason! The thing that is bothering me most is my bullet seating depth.


I am using Sierra 95 grain FMJBT on top of 40 grains of Hodgdon H4350, and the cartridge overall length is 2.65'' which is what it says on the Hodgdon web site but for a 95 GR. NOS PART. Is this seating depth OK for this powder/bullet weight combination??



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  Shauny said:


I am reloading .243 but I am a bit nervous of this cartridge for some reason! The thing that is bothering me most is my bullet seating depth.


I am using Sierra 95 grain FMJBT on top of 40 grains of Hodgdon H4350, and the cartridge overall length is 2.65'' which is what it says on the Hodgdon web site but for a 95 GR. NOS PART. Is this seating depth OK for this powder/bullet weight combination??




Shauny - 1st up I don't reload 243 but 3 other calibres I have looked up this load and 40g of H4350 in a 95gn head should not make you nervous.


Someone else who reloads 243 should be along to give an opinion - all I will say is that bullet heads around this weight are quite hard to get right accuracy wise and stability wise - most people I know who reload this calibre settle for heads in the 80's not the 90's.



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as dicehorn says, i think everyone who reloads for the first time is nervous, i reload .243 using 85 gr sierra bullets, federal or hornady brass,cci large rifle primers, also varget powder in 36.4gr with good results, but if your at the start range and not the max for the powder give it a go then tell us about it.

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hi shauny i reload for the .243 but never use h4350...... now you are safe as far as col is concerned, because 2.710" is the max col.

now however 40 grains of this powder is near the max according to the hornady manual.

so try 37.4g 39.1 and then 40.8 this is a max load so never pass it......

good luck and let us know how it goes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

a few things i have learnt ,1 is start low on powders and work up 2 seat bullet kissing the lands and work out 3 less powder the heavier the bullet is ,keep checking the primers for a pressure ridge ,not always but some times it will show you are going to hot a load ,so back it off a bit .each rifle is differant in its ammo needs ..ridge in the pic is bit over the top but you get the idea


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  Shauny said:


I am reloading .243 but I am a bit nervous of this cartridge for some reason! The thing that is bothering me most is my bullet seating depth.


I am using Sierra 95 grain FMJBT on top of 40 grains of Hodgdon H4350, and the cartridge overall length is 2.65'' which is what it says on the Hodgdon web site but for a 95 GR. NOS PART. Is this seating depth OK for this powder/bullet weight combination??




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ive been reloading for agood few years i have allways used H414 for all .243 loads from 70grn up to 100grn with superb results closer you are to the lands more preasure iwould be very reluctant to use fmj bullets on live game 75 grn or 87 grn hornady hollow point 43to 45 grns powder about 25 30 thou of the lands

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