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Problems with Police.

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Got pulled the other week, but the Copper came with his lights on and parked next to the field I was in so l crept along the fence and waited, he had two crap lights facing the field but could not find me as l had my back to him. Then he came to the fence and stood on the bottom rail I said "Hello" are you looking for me " he nearly s**t himself"..


I showed him the permission letter and then he was OK about it. He did say if you take a vehicle don't have dogs and your catch in it if you have been Poaching as they have been instructed to take the dogs and the vehicle to make your life awkward more than looking to prosecute.


He was OK with me as I was OK with him and he said the only reason they come to the light is if they get a nuisance call from the public a keeper or a farmer.

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well iv nearly been caught red handed hare coarsing walking some fields with another lad slipped the dog after a good coarse the hare just made cover then i noticed a 4x4 parked in a gateway it looked strange so we walked back to the car walking back to the car i came across a hare in its seat got within 10foot of it i decided not to slip then i saw a panda car wityh the 4x4 nealy back at the landrover they pull up " what you up to lads" walking my dog i said " copper = well youv been seen hare coarsing" buy who? copper=" i carnt tell you that" well i havent been hare coaring then iv been walking my dog copper="have you got permission" no i dont need it copper="yes you do" no i dont iv beenn on public footpaths copper= "that isant a public footpath youv just walked across" well thats your fault you wa parked behind my motor i thought you wa trying to rob it or something had happend. the whole time she wa looking me in the eye trying to pressure me (she didnt know iv been in some sticky situation whilst getting interviewd buy the filth) and she wa just getting more :realmad: the other copper with her just couldnt be bother the look on his face said what a waste of time. i know who it was that grassed us for the hare coarsing hes a keeper it werent his land sticks his nose in were it dont belong iv yet to see him again


another time we was in the motor on a country road lamping no permission at all saw a car behind so my friend pulls over to let them past it stops at the side of us a cop car we wa both suprised " now then lad what you up to?" just doing abit of rabbiting we said copper was on his own " well watch it round here the farmers will shoot your dogs" alright thanks have a good night lads (wish they were all like that) probably of been a diffrent story if someone had of been with him


one thing iv found over the years when gettuing in trouble never lose your temper keep cool and be confident even if there trying to argue with you and doing your head in they hate it. and be polite to them at first see what there like some carnt be arsed and are sound others are real n** h**** on the occasion when we said just a bit odf rabbiting we dint wanna seem like we were hiding anything ellse he might of wanted to search the car and then he would of wanted back up it would of taken ages.

Edited by marky r
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the best one liner i ever heard was one night me and a mate had had a couple of pints and decided to go for a run so we walked a couple of miles to a local estate and done a heap of rabbits walking home about three in the morning theres headlights coming behind us im carrying the lamp i jump through the hedge the old dog follows me through my mate carrys on carrying the rabbits its the law they pull in says to my mate where you going home he replies where did you get those rabbits they ask i caught em he says how did you catch en they ask him im hiding in the field with the dog and lamp listening i hide in the hedge and make a noise like a lettuce and when the rabbit comes to eat me i hit it with a stick he answered . classic


:laugh::laugh: ....... :clapper:


hahahah that made me laugh out loud :laugh: Also, if your lamping from a vehicle and you have nightvision, can you not switch the lights out and do one? If your on the roads of course?

Edited by DevonHunter
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the best one liner i ever heard was one night me and a mate had had a couple of pints and decided to go for a run so we walked a couple of miles to a local estate and done a heap of rabbits walking home about three in the morning theres headlights coming behind us im carrying the lamp i jump through the hedge the old dog follows me through my mate carrys on carrying the rabbits its the law they pull in says to my mate where you going home he replies where did you get those rabbits they ask i caught em he says how did you catch en they ask him im hiding in the field with the dog and lamp listening i hide in the hedge and make a noise like a lettuce and when the rabbit comes to eat me i hit it with a stick he answered . classic

:clapper::clapper::clapper: that real tickled me, nice 1 mate :victory:

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Me and me mate got pulled the other week...at the time we was parked up on the side of the road chatting to one of the guys who works on one of the places we got permission.

we noticed a car coming up the road behind us but didnt think nowt of it as wasnt up to nowt.

but when it reached us he turned on all his spot lights (the place lit up like day) not being able to tell who or what it was we give him a blast of the lamp (maybe not a gd idea) :fool: .we then were cautioned under some bloody stupid poaching law and game act :protest: while the bobby checked out our details and asked more stupid questions and then searching the pick up and checking the dogs (very closely). :search:

after 1/2 an hour or more of messing around he let us go with just a warning to remember not to be going anywhere we shouldnt as he going to be watching us "very,very close" :wankerzo4: :wallbash::o

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You shouldn't of accepted the caution Dexie! I'm sure If he had reason to he would of brought you In but cautioning Is the easy way out for the fuzz. Were abouts was It anyway mate, up N.Wales way?? PM me If you prefer. I just got back In and only had one run before I noticed a light looking about :thumbdown:

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my mate trevor who made the craic about the lettuce to the old bill ive had some exploits over the years with him . weve been chased all over the country and have laughed our heads off at one time we were catching a lot of rabbits together and always arguing about carrying them we had arranged to do this farm in a place called glasbury in wales it was rotten with rabbits as lot of farms were in them days any way trevor turns up at the house toots im waiting . on jumping in the car kelly is sat in there hes as strong as a bull kelly can carry the rabbits trevor said as i got in . hello kell i said get to the farm park up about two mile away and walk to the farm we aint long we are into a lot of rabbits kellys loaded about 40 rabbits on his back and the dogs are flying not missing we are getting through a hedge. a voice says hold your hands up . fucks sake i look . and theres a bloke with a double barrel pointed straight at us dont f**k about he says and no one gets hurt cmon this way and points us in the direction of the farm and shaking with the gun pointed at us so off we go in the direction of the farm the farmer shaking with the gun and kelly repeating his self over and over just calm down just calm down the farmer repeating i will shoot i will shoot anyway were walking up to the farm he shouts ive got em ive got em a voice calls back the police are on theyre way kelly now as gone to the side of the farmer with out realising all of a sudden trevor just rugby tackled kelly straight into the farmer in a split second boom boom im gone running like the clappers and trevor kelly and the farmer have gone over together as the gun as gone of we hit the road me and trevor flat out and dont stop till we get into the car our lungs are bursting fucksake i said to trevor you pushed kelly straight over that bloke and the gun went off where is he f**k him trevor said fumbling with the key any way we race off get about a mile up the road theres kelly in the road we pull in kellys eyes are like a ferreted rabbit he says nothing trevor says wheres the rabbits nothing from kelly trevor repeats wheres the rabbits kellys staring into space trevor shouts as we are driving along wheres the rabbits kelly looks at him now what he says trevor repeats wheres the rabbits kelly blubbers back you you you pushed me on that bloke and his gun went of up the side of my head he nearly killed me wheres the f*****g rabbits trevor says in reply kelly obviously in shock mumbles back i dropped em trevor spun round in the car and looked over at kelly what you dropped em thats it you aint coming no more and looks to me and says he aint hes not coming no more hes useless i just lit a fag

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You shouldn't of accepted the caution Dexie! I'm sure If he had reason to he would of brought you In but cautioning Is the easy way out for the fuzz. Were abouts was It anyway mate, up N.Wales way?? PM me If you prefer. I just got back In and only had one run before I noticed a light looking about :thumbdown:




a constable or Sargent CANNOT caution you for any offence , it must be an officer of acting Inspector or above and formally at a police station. A constable may offer advice , and he may also fcuk off!!

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One close shave which meant lying low in a ditch with the dogs for 20 minutes and got collared last season returning back to the car.


The last one an unmarked car pulled up along side me and wanted to know why I had big powerful lamp scanning the fields.....it's to make sure my dogs don't run into anything in the dark officer.....makes alot sense mate he said... then he replied did you catch anything tonight.... :icon_redface: told me to be a bit more discrete in the future.... :clapper:

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