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ive recently developed a fasination for these mysterious athletes, after having the crap scared out of me when one lept from its form while i was walkin a feild at work week before last. after reading up about em it asotinshed me the amount of folk lore and mystry thats surrounds these creatures and the more i have lernt the more interesting they become. just wanted to hear any tales or experiences you lads might have had with em and was interested to see any pics you might have thanks lads


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Being a member of a coursing club we spend a lot of time checking on and counting hares. I also help another club with their netting and have restocked places.

They really are fantastic animals and I hate to see them abused. I've seen them go to ground in front of greyhounds and even seen them jump in a river whilst being coursed and then stay under water for a few seconds 'till the greyhounds passed.

But my favourite bit of behaviour witnessed is on a farm near me. I exercise my terriers in this place and I have seen the hares spot the terriers (but not me) and run up to them as if looking for a chase. On one occasion a hare ran up to a terrier, the terrier chased it 'till it lost the hare. The terrier returned to me and a couple of minutes later here's the hare returning for another chase. I was sitting on a wall watching this and the hare never seen me.

If you ever gut a hare you'll realise what an athelete they are when you see how big their heart is compared to the body. A pure blood pumping machine.

We ate them all the time when I had lurchers and it's good grub. Sadly now I think most lurcher boys throw them in the ditch. A pity.

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I agree totally with the above post. Some of the folklore around hares is facinating witches were often said to take the form of hares...


One of the funniest things I remember is when we were ferreting on a beach one Autum day. Someone took exception to this and called the local bobbies in. Anyway the police come over to us and start questioning us why we're there etc and one of the officers remarks "I hope your not chasing hare with those ferrets" so we're like no..dont be daft ferrets dont chase hares out of holes blah blah. Well next thing a big hare shoots out the burrow and takes of with the dogs in hot pursuit...again we're like Oh dont worry officer they'll never catch it next thing one of the dogs bangs it...we're like oh shit! luckily one of the guys managed to rescue the hare and we leased the dogs and let it go. So we're standing there looking a bit sheepish thinking what are the police gonna do now cause we've obviously took the piss outa them...lol but luckily they were fine with us and left us to it...never did see that Hare again :icon_eek:

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I agree totally with the above post. Some of the folklore around hares is facinating witches were often said to take the form of hares...


One of the funniest things I remember is when we were ferreting on a beach one Autum day. Someone took exception to this and called the local bobbies in. Anyway the police come over to us and start questioning us why we're there etc and one of the officers remarks "I hope your not chasing hare with those ferrets" so we're like no..dont be daft ferrets dont chase hares out of holes blah blah. Well next thing a big hare shoots out the burrow and takes of with the dogs in hot pursuit...again we're like Oh dont worry officer they'll never catch it next thing one of the dogs bangs it...we're like oh shit! luckily one of the guys managed to rescue the hare and we leased the dogs and let it go. So we're standing there looking a bit sheepish thinking what are the police gonna do now cause we've obviously took the piss outa them...lol but luckily they were fine with us and left us to it...never did see that Hare again :icon_eek:

I bet your gutted that the old bill were there when that happened, what are the chances that you're ever going to bolt another Long Ears from a rabbit burrow? :laugh:

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I agree totally with the above post. Some of the folklore around hares is facinating witches were often said to take the form of hares...


One of the funniest things I remember is when we were ferreting on a beach one Autum day. Someone took exception to this and called the local bobbies in. Anyway the police come over to us and start questioning us why we're there etc and one of the officers remarks "I hope your not chasing hare with those ferrets" so we're like no..dont be daft ferrets dont chase hares out of holes blah blah. Well next thing a big hare shoots out the burrow and takes of with the dogs in hot pursuit...again we're like Oh dont worry officer they'll never catch it next thing one of the dogs bangs it...we're like oh shit! luckily one of the guys managed to rescue the hare and we leased the dogs and let it go. So we're standing there looking a bit sheepish thinking what are the police gonna do now cause we've obviously took the piss outa them...lol but luckily they were fine with us and left us to it...never did see that Hare again :icon_eek:

I bet your gutted that the old bill were there when that happened, what are the chances that you're ever going to bolt another Long Ears from a rabbit burrow? :laugh:


Honestly you couldnt make it up mate we were gobsmacked...lol it must have sneaked into the burrow as we were walking the dogs up the dunes...thought we were for the off. Its never happend to me again but I've heard of others bolting them with ferrets. :icon_eek:

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Guest blackntan
I agree totally with the above post. Some of the folklore around hares is facinating witches were often said to take the form of hares...


One of the funniest things I remember is when we were ferreting on a beach one Autum day. Someone took exception to this and called the local bobbies in. Anyway the police come over to us and start questioning us why we're there etc and one of the officers remarks "I hope your not chasing hare with those ferrets" so we're like no..dont be daft ferrets dont chase hares out of holes blah blah. Well next thing a big hare shoots out the burrow and takes of with the dogs in hot pursuit...again we're like Oh dont worry officer they'll never catch it next thing one of the dogs bangs it...we're like oh shit! luckily one of the guys managed to rescue the hare and we leased the dogs and let it go. So we're standing there looking a bit sheepish thinking what are the police gonna do now cause we've obviously took the piss outa them...lol but luckily they were fine with us and left us to it...never did see that Hare again :icon_eek:

I bet your gutted that the old bill were there when that happened, what are the chances that you're ever going to bolt another Long Ears from a rabbit burrow? :laugh:


Honestly you couldnt make it up mate we were gobsmacked...lol it must have sneaked into the burrow as we were walking the dogs up the dunes...thought we were for the off. Its never happend to me again but I've heard of others bolting them with ferrets. :icon_eek:

just watched the last waterloo cup again , my favorite animal is neddy the brown hare , to watch hares box and chase is one of the best sights, ive seen up to 20 in one field following lolloping after each other circerling for hours the brown hare ive sat and watched leverets waiting for there mother watched lap wings mob the hare as she comes in to feed a check on her young the hare is a truly facinating creature that deserves respect ,
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Nice pictures. I used to go to the Waterloo Cup myself. I could never understand why some idiots cheered when a hare was killed. If you did that at an Irish meet you'd be lynched, and we don't have 100 anti's standing watching and listening.

I did a job two years ago on a sewage works in North Co. Louth that had a resident population of sixteen hares. One of the plant workers had recently filmed a doe giving birth to four youngsters. How lucky was he?

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I was once exercising my dogs up a country lane, just at the start of the silly season for hares (late Feb), one dog spotted a hare mouching about a field. took off after it with another dog. Luckily the rest were on leads. As the 2 dogs ran up to the hare a second hare clapped down in their path and they ran straight past it, coursed the first hare round the field, back towards me past the second hare still clapped down and past me into the next field. The second hare jumped up the moment the dogs had come past it and started chasing them! The whole lot, hare, dogs then the second hare disappeared over the horizon: mental to see that.

And no they didn't catch either hare!

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