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Guest piking pirate

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dont they sometimes get sick or something my first ferret died late spring early summer and i was told by loadsa of people that it got depressed and stopped eating i ve read it on the internet and a load of other places or you could jus spray them

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Two gills. They don't need to be bred each season- thats totally untrue, and is the reason why there's always so many unwanted kits each year! They do need to be mated when they come in season, or given a jab from the vet, to bring her out of season. Some vets are a bit reluctant to do this though, and it can be a bit more expensive. I'd recommend using a Hoblet (a vasectomised hob), and then nature takes care of everything.


Get in touch with your local ferret welfare society, and they'll put you in touch with a member who has a hoblet. They usually aske for a few quid donation to the society each time, but thats all.


Piking pirate, am I right in thinking you're in cambridgeshire? If you PM me, I'll pass on some useful contact email addresses and phone numbers for when you have got your ferrets.

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