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i dont think they will need a seprate charges.. just for saying sake if you buy a 12 volt 14 amp battery pack it comes with 2 x 12v 7 amp batterys you dont have to charge them seprate. there is away to wire them i will fined out of my mate for you

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does the battery packs have a switch over switch for when one battery is full?

only other way i can think is wire the batteries up then you plug the charger onto the wires so its in between the two batteries if you get me

so when ones full the other will charge afterwards maybe this will work ?


ill ring my dad he is a sparky lol

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right just off the phone to my dad he said you charge them as normal on which ever battery , just the battery what needs the most charge will take it all first then swap to the other when that one is charged ............ so forget my previous posts lol

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i as just trying to rig up 2 12 v batteries and the lamp bulb bloody went so im gunna order one soon im not a happy bunny :realmad:


sounds like youve wired them 24v

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Guest smashygadge
the two together would last longer and it would save time to swap them over thats my view

Its not that hard to carry two batteris



yes i understand the extra lamptime but to swap the battery takes a few seconds not knocking it i just find it as easy to swap and prefer to no each battery is getting charged according to hours used.and any less weight with 20 rabbits on your back is a bonus on the ground i walk :thumbs:

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Guest smashygadge
Good point there mate but if you want to change it you have to back the motor to get the other battery do you find that a problem or dont you mind ? :good:



no cause i get 10 gut in feild thats a stop to gut

then make sure i head back past the car to drop of the first load

and to be honest i get a good 2 hour plus from 1 battery.

i havent put the night in yet but even so i always plan the walk past the vehicle to drop .

not just that i get up in the morning with my back in bits lol.

no the only way i can see any benifit from 2 batterys is if your walking from home.and a long walk at that.i can cover some feilds on 1 alone and take some quarry.and if you work alone like me its hard work.also for changing sake of battery if you do carry the 2 .i always wear a head torch great little bits of kit.save on lamp walking over rough and over walls gutting rabbits everything and the batterys last ages .dont no how i used to do it without one.that saves the lamp battery 2 :thumbs:

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