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i want to get into feeding my lurchers barf.i picked up some chicken carcasses today and i am wondering how many for each dog per day, and what else do i need to be feeding.i havent got a clue about how much and what to feed .any input much appreciated

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mince is to expencive to give to a dog mate. go to your butchers and ask them if they would keep you all the old meat and off cuts that arent fit for human consumpation. these included lamb breast bones, pigs feet, chicken bones and cuts of meat that have gotten old. you could also ask them if they could get you hearts. ox hearts are the type i give to my dog as they are very big and are the best value for money. if hes a decent butcher he shouldnt charge you to much. how much to feed your dog? what weight are the dogs? my staffordshire bull terrier weights about 32lbs and i feed her about 350g of raw food per day. its all about working it out for yourself, obviously if your dog is getting over weight you cut it down and vice versa if its getting underweight.


hopefully ive been of some assistance to you.


all the best feeding barf

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i want to get into feeding my lurchers barf.i picked up some chicken carcasses today and i am wondering how many for each dog per day, and what else do i need to be feeding.i havent got a clue about how much and what to feed .any input much appreciated



Roughly 3% of the dogs body weight but this can vary with each individual. Feed 60-75% chicken carcarse/chicken wings etc and the remainder offal, mince, fish, fruit and veg. :victory:

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