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Hi there,i asked a similar question a few months ago but my firearms officer came aroud yesterday and I asked him if it would be a good idea to apply for an open ticket.So he said yes go ahead and write a letter.

My question is for those of you who have an open ticket,what should i be putting in that letter to give me a good chance of getting it??

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  Sprags said:
I put that I had been asked by a couple of friends to help them with foxes on land that hadn't been passed for a 22-250, they never even questioned it.


I put what sprags said and that I was being asked to do a lot of rabbit control on areas where the land had not yet been passed or the owner of the land was unsure as to whether it had been passed or not. I said how often I was out and who I did a lot of my shooting with and got a phone call a few days later saying send the ticket in and they'd lift the restrictions, I asked for .22-250 and .22.

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When i asked for mine they had lost one of my permission letters awaiting land aproval, and i had also lost the chance of another piece of land because of the hassle of getting aproval.

I used the above to explain the fact that open condition might save a lot of time in the future, together with the fact that i had a number of permissions, gained a lot of experience,etc.

They asked for a letter from my shooting mate saying what a safe responsible shot i was and this was accepted.


At the same time i did the same for my mate, which worked out well for us, but i didnt quite get the point of it all from their point of view.

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  Toma413 said:
Hi there,i asked a similar question a few months ago but my firearms officer came aroud yesterday and I asked him if it would be a good idea to apply for an open ticket.So he said yes go ahead and write a letter.

My question is for those of you who have an open ticket,what should i be putting in that letter to give me a good chance of getting it??

Out of Curiosity, How long have you had your FAC?


But as most have said, Write them a letter setting out that it would be a benefit to you and to them if you were to have an Open FAC. And that you have many pieces of land awaiting approval.



SS :thumbs:

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  SportingShooter said:
  Toma413 said:
Hi there,i asked a similar question a few months ago but my firearms officer came aroud yesterday and I asked him if it would be a good idea to apply for an open ticket.So he said yes go ahead and write a letter.

My question is for those of you who have an open ticket,what should i be putting in that letter to give me a good chance of getting it??

Out of Curiosity, How long have you had your FAC?


But as most have said, Write them a letter setting out that it would be a benefit to you and to them if you were to have an Open FAC. And that you have many pieces of land awaiting approval.



SS :thumbs:



I have had my FAC for 2years now.Could you give me a list of points to add in there?really dont want it to be refused due to not putting the right stuff in there.Cheers

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That's bloody quick but I suppose if you don't ask you don't get! I asked after having mine about 4 years, my firearms dept normally grant open tickets upon renewal but I'd changed mine to co-terminus halfway through and didn't want to have to wait for it to expire before I got an open ticket.

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Hi Sprags,


I am also looking to request an open ticket as I have been asked by several local farmers to have a crack at their rabbits.


Is that all you told them or did you add further info?


Several farms have been added to my allowed areas, but a couple need to be surveyed and an open ticket would be ideal.


Which county are you in?



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  Toma413 said:
Hi there,i asked a similar question a few months ago but my firearms officer came aroud yesterday and I asked him if it would be a good idea to apply for an open ticket.So he said yes go ahead and write a letter.

My question is for those of you who have an open ticket,what should i be putting in that letter to give me a good chance of getting it??



Thanks for the suggestions,any more suggestions are more than welcome

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