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inflatable dinghy with outboard

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seago 2.3 mtre dinghy with 2.5 mercury outboard its only been used a few times ply seat and floor ,rolls up into a bag .vgc,only thing needed is the pump adapter as it was lost ,no leaks splits or repairs,guaranteed £200.surrey.

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i know what mercury outboard looks like :clapper: looking on google is

not going to show me what the condition of your outboard is like is it



:censored: i dont want it and why dont anyone like putting pic's up with there post?

Edited by ukhunter
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i know what mercury outboard looks like :clapper: looking on google is

not going to show me what the condition of your outboard is like is it



:censored: i dont want it and why dont anyone like putting pic's up with there post?

oi twat shut up you annoying feckwit :wankerzo4: do you know what vgc means :censored:

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i bet you look like that old guy in your Avatar a right wanker

yeah.. i look just like that ,what i dont understand is why do people who probably have no money look at things they cant afford,ask questions and when they dont get an answer straight away edit their original question to say :censored: i dont want it and why dont anyone put pics up with there post. ,stick to your airguns you can save up for those :yes: :ukunter timewasting dreamer... :laugh::bye:

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