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Hobs and jills together

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Well, thats settled it then! He is getting castrated and the jills will be getting jill jabs! Just one more thing; will this affect his ferreting abilities? :hmm:



Are you planning on getting him castrated or vasectomised? Because a castrated hob should have no urge to mate with the jills, but a vasectomised one will.

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Well, thats settled it then! He is getting castrated and the jills will be getting jill jabs! Just one more thing; will this affect his ferreting abilities? :hmm:



Are you planning on getting him castrated or vasectomised? Because a castrated hob should have no urge to mate with the jills, but a vasectomised one will.

He'll be getting Castrated in the hope that he wont bother the jills at all. I was originally going to use him as a hoblet to bring the jills out of season and have him in a separate hutch but now Ive found out how cheap jill jabs are (£3.50!) in my area I may as well have him castrated so he can stay in with them all! I have 6 jills and him, 3 of the jills are neutered and 3 will need jill jabs.

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:icon_eek: Oh God! I've just read the rest of the replies on this thread now! I honestly thought the jill jab was safe and could be used often! Thats why I like to ask on here - there's only so much books will tell you! Nothing beats experience! Now Im back to square one :laugh: Think I'll have him snipped and use him like I originally intended. He will be worked so Im not going to risk spoiling that by having him castrated. I had already made a spare hutch inside my court ready to separate him from the jills so its not a big problem to sort really. Cheers for all the replies people - its very much appreciated! :yes:
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