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3 litre 300 bar bottle

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Hi all, if I purchase a 3 litre 300 bar bottle, approximately how many fills would I get out of that for my air arms 510 before I need to get the bottle filled again?


Thanks in advance




it willast a while im not sure exsactly how many fills but maybee two weeks dont no how mch you go sooting



some advice it cost the same to fill a 12 ltr as it does a 3ltr bottle so if ycan afford it get a bigger one :victory:

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Hi all, if I purchase a 3 litre 300 bar bottle, approximately how many fills would I get out of that for my air arms 510 before I need to get the bottle filled again?


Thanks in advance




it willast a while im not sure exsactly how many fills but maybee two weeks dont no how mch you go sooting



some advice it cost the same to fill a 12 ltr as it does a 3ltr bottle so if ycan afford it get a bigger one :victory:


I will use approx 4 fills a week so if I get 16 fills out of a 300bar 3 litre cylinder that should be ok I think if it is correct that I can get 16 fills out of the cylinder. Any other advise very much appreciated



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