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never herd or seen that mate . dont mean it cant happen.


a few years back we used to shoot alot of lamped pigeons around the village i grew up. some times pigeons would be roosting no more than 5 to 6 fet from the ground . and some squabs where lower .

a cat or fox could have scented them easy and napped them in there sleep .


i wonder if they are landing in the limbs but very low down and charly is getting his prize .

i would be serprized if any healthy pigeon would rest in dark at ground level as mother nature suplys them like us with fantastic servival instinct and i would think this would be enough for them to find a limb to perch .


of topic but have you ever trapped of fleaing woodie in the lamp ? they sercle round and round or go straight up . i haqve in the past been lucky and droped only one or two with an air rifle. but it defo hit or mis stuff .

also you might find on better lamping nights ie windy rainy nights they tend to stay put alot better not wanting to brave the weather .


all the best matt

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They will take off when the lamp hits the trees or fields near them but it aint a problem,they just f**k off and roost else where ;) .All the feathers you find in the woods the next day are preening feathers,woodies like to preene before they go to roost ;) . :good::good:

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couild be right there we have dutch lads come over on decoying holidays and there are dieing and wounded woodie around us all the time me and the dog got one on sunday it was a nice bird that had just been priced that was fluttering from low branch to the next . i dint even see it untill it clattered from a branch about 5 foot from my head.


i dont think we wil ever know the answer but its food for thought..

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