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quick check over new permision


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sorry guys forgot my camera this time but been given permision to shoot/lamp a bit ground around an idustrial estate well every corner we turned in the car there were at least 2 rabbits on the verge so with no quarals i naild 5 square on head shots every time hit another 2 but the sumersaulted and got into bad bushes and couldnt get into them didnt have the bloomin dog as i didnt expect to see much also poped of 3 wood pigeon could have had dozens more of both but the kids were in the back of the car the girl was moaning about driving about and the dark was closing in but all in all very good hour out and ill be back in the early hours tmz to bag some more i couldnt take picks as some one broke my camera he is about 2 foot tall just started walking and already worse than the first kid grrr .


advice for the young hunters never sleep with a woman unless your in your jammys !! second if you do RUN! lol.


if i get any in the morning ill take some picks with the phone and stick em up .

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ill have picks tmz mate dont worry i didnt expect such an amount to be out plus it was just a quick hour for ferret feed itle be enough to feed them a fortnight they were mostly halflins so couldnt be botherd skinning them just guts out and in the chesty for ferret feed the 9 i got last week it took 6 of them cooked then stripped bare to make a curry for me the wife the mother and the kids but i suppose i could eat three to my self in a curry :D


ill have picks up of how i get on tmz .

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