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went out for a walk with the dog mid week,four of the bunnys he caught had myxomatosis

i have not come across the for a long time,in the early 90s it seemed to clear out all the bunnys that lived in my area.

just wondering if anyone else has seen infected rabbits recently? cheers

Edited by lofti75
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after 5 weeks of feeding my ferret kits fresh rabbit nearly every day i have only seen 2,both of which came from the edge of the corn fields,all the rabbits from the orchards are fine,but like it has already been said come the end of september more will appear.

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mixi comes around here all the time, we are constantly being infected. Last summer one of the farms i hunt was nearly wiped out. It had only just recovered from a really bad eppisode 5 years ago that wiped out rabbits as far away as 30 miles from where i live. One farmer even addmitted he had a vet come to his farm and put down mixi due to crop dammage, " i had to do something" he said to me. Trouble is it spread like wildfire along the railway lines etc, everyone around here started selling all thier kit, dogs ferrets the lot. The terriers have never caught so many rabbits, they where dying everywhere. Thank god they have come back this year, though some places are still quiet. I think when the numbers explode during the summer months and the rabbits start to dig the mixi appears.


Mixi at the moment does appear now and then but i think only 30% are dying others are surviving, I shot a buck rabbit last year that was so badly swollen with the disease it was blind. however it was surrounded by kits that where only a few weeks old, they where perfectly well and survived without harm.


No one would give me details on the vet responsable, if they had i would have gone to the authorities.

If the farmers that are over run with rabbits paid to have them removed profesionally or at least let the boys on the land

to thin the numbers out he wouldent have suffered so much damage.


I continue to hunt through the summer in an attempt to keep the numbers in check, hence avoiding the threat of mixi

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Took a baby ferret out to give it a taste of things to come and get the young dog into ferreting mode without any distractions . This myxy bun came from the same burrow as three perfectly good ones.

Just the time of year. Population is at it's peak, weather's changing,grass is wet, all adds up to stress and myxy takes hold of the weaker ones and those born with poor immunity .Probably does'nt affect tiny rabbits because asfar as I know rabbit fleas depend on the blood of an adult female for their life cycle. Something like that anyway.


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