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what is a proper foxing dog?

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hahahaha i would never keep a dog that could catch and kill on its own and anyone who puts dogs onn a pig one out is doing nothing risking there dogs lives piontlessly, comparing a pig dog to a fox dog is ridiculas but for your benifit any runners iv put on a pig have held hard the whippet x staghounds iv got held a 75kg boar for kalf an hour before the holders got there these dogs wiegh 22kg and stand at about that in highet they got there asses kicked but never gave up. pigs are only up northern aus and about 600km before i could get near them. theres another thing you foget my dogs not only take fox one out but roos aswell but i avoid it agian it's a graet way to kill a dog. got any other issues mate?

Edited by allgame
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there must be a delay. if you want your dogs to retire then run them doubled if you want them to die run them on there own they have so many chances that they do it fiarly often wthout forcing it on them. qeustioning how much i hunt is getting quite irritating it seems that its the whole im old so im better at it thats bulsh*t and its a pathetic argument you dont know anything about me. iv seen the terrian through dvds the land in england is ten times better for the dogs then what we have other then the rocky padocks. is my age is offencive to you tell me why? do you think i lack the experience or mabey its my mentors that lack the experience and all the foxes iv killed has been some kind of fluke

Edited by allgame
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There is a few different opinions on this topic some good, some bad. Its easy to tell who does a bit by reading some of these opinions. I say everyone to there own if it works for them who am I to tell them different.

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imo the more efficent dog kills it's foxes by the throat, but that all depends what you class as efficient....

a dog that catches and quickly gets a throat hold does'nt take has much punishment and that means it can be used more often....

a dog that kills by the ribs will probably kill quicker than the above, but it will more than likely have the fox attached to it's face while doing this and recieve more punishment and need more healing time...

the best dogs i've seen hit foxes in the back and a couple of quick shakes and its all over, but i have'nt seen many do this.....

thats my oppinion anyway, and to be honest it does'nt mean shit to me as i dont mind how they kill there foxes aslong as they keep killing them on there own....

it's hard enough to find a genuine fox dog without having to find one that kills them a certain way for f**k sake.... ;)

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  lucky said:
imo the more efficent dog kills it's foxes by the throat, but that all depends what you class as efficient....

a dog that catches and quickly gets a throat hold does'nt take has much punishment and that means it can be used more often....

a dog that kills by the ribs will probably kill quicker than the above, but it will more than likely have the fox attached to it's face while doing this and recieve more punishment and need more healing time...

the best dogs i've seen hit foxes in the back and a couple of quick shakes and its all over, but i have'nt seen many do this.....

thats my oppinion anyway, and to be honest it does'nt mean shit to me as i dont mind how they kill there foxes aslong as they keep killing them on there own....

it's hard enough to find a genuine fox dog without having to find one that kills them a certain way for f**k sake.... ;)



Bang on there lucky couldnt have said it better myself... :victory:

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Guest oldskool

dont want to get stuck into the middle of this shite slinging contest but does anyone think the throat hold or chest hold method can be taught or is it something the dog learns on its own initiative???? i always start my dogs off on the lamp and rifle (terriers included)... and when i've made a clean kill i always hold the fox up by the back legs to encourage the dog to rag it... most of them usually end up giving me a game of tug of war by the throat and when they've moved on to working by themselves they always just seem to take by the throat!!


just wondered is it a coincidence because i've only brought on about 4 lurchers and the 5th was killed before it got the chance...

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