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Hi all


About 2 weeks ago my lakie terrier started limping on his rear leg, cant put his weight on it, no sign of the cause so I took him to a local vet who gave him the once over. The vet didnt really seem to know what was wrong with him so he just said rest him for a while and coupled with the tablets he prescribed and he should be ok within a week or so. 2 weeks later and the problem is still there so I'm thinking the vet isnt really up to much cop. I am starting to think its more serious than I first anticipated due the length of time that has passed with no signs of improvement, I just want to know what the hell is wrong with him and get this sorted. Can anyone recommend a vet that is used to dealing with this sort of problem that isnt going to charge an arm and leg?



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Did the vet prescribe Rimadyl? Could be a variety of things including ligament damage, if your concered I would go for a second opinion. I should have asked for a second opinion with one of mine after an injury a few years ago and learnt my lesson.

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I had a dog who damaged his crucuate ligament, it looked harmless as he just knocked his leg jumping but he was screaming with pain. I took him to the vet and to cut a long story short the dog was on lead exercise and cage rest for 6 months, I beleive this would have been avoided if I hadn't been a prat and asked to see another vet. This happened fouyr years ago and the dog has never fully recovered. The dog won't display injury signs when on the Rimadyl as its an anti-inflamatory which releives the pain.

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lakies are prone to luxating patella which is a slipping knee cap,,ask your vet to check for this also,,very common in lakies and borders..


:clapper: beat me to it! jrt also i think :clapper:

if it is this then i would reccomend you opt for the surgical fix as once a dog has done it once they are quite likely to do it again and again and again!

good look mate. let us know. :victory:

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had the dog back to the vets lads, they have said its more than likely a partial tear to a ligament around the knee, recommended that I keep exercise to a very minimum for at least 6 - 8 weeks, hopefully it should heal up naturally within a couple months. Failing this surgery will be necessary to correct it.

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had the dog back to the vets lads, they have said its more than likely a partial tear to a ligament around the knee, recommended that I keep exercise to a very minimum for at least 6 - 8 weeks, hopefully it should heal up naturally within a couple months. Failing this surgery will be necessary to correct it.


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