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Right to roam?

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whoa... well thank you for explaining that to me!


very very VERY different here.... there's posted signs all over the place, get arrested and sued for trespassing bla bla bla.... if you're caught....

the land next to me hasnt had anyone living on it in about thirty years - just hunted during winter - and while i dont have the owners permission i dont think he would care if i walked on his property. its for sale anyway..


of course the last time i did "trespass", a few weeks ago, i was attacked by a nest of yellow jackets! <_< ...thats a type of wasp that make their nests in the ground for those that may not know... like stepping on a landmine.


theres one other rule that was unbeknown to me... you cant fire a gun on less than five acres or some crap. my uncles were out at the back of my property target practicing one November and this man came out of the woods bitching at them for scaring the game off and how they were breaking the law.

i asked my dad about it and he said "Tell the guy to go piss up a rope! you can do what ever the hell you want on your own land, you're not in the city limits!"

i guess people will say anything and bank on how stupid you might be..

Edited by BlueCoyote
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