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Right to roam?

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Hi All,


Quite a new member to the board, and have a question.


Was walking my young whippet Dante today on some excellent land that many dog walkers use.


I was walking through field after field and when I was halfway through a field I noticed that someone was actually doing up a dilapidated old house at the bottom of the field near the road.


I looked to see if I could continue on and it was clearly a horse field the other side and I couldn’t really get through with the dog so I turned round to retrace my steps and take another route. This is when I hear someone calling me and a couple come walking up field.


Me and the dog walk over to them and the interrogation starts, long and the short of it was they said its private property, I said I didn’t see and sign and I had lived in the village my whole life(28 years) and that I am not malicious in any way and that I wouldn’t come on here again.


She had to have the last laugh, silly cow kept going on and on about how would I feel if she jumped over my wall, I said that would be very unlikely and is a different proposition as my borders are clearly defined and here acreage was not signed and poorly gated and walled.


Anyhow she stomps off, I laughed at the poor husband as the poor little sheep wouldn’t say anything, just stroked my pup Dante!


Now sorry for the rant but where do I stand, obviously private property is private property, but there were no signs on gates and I had no idea???


Is there a right to roam?


Any advice would be great as that pit viper with legs was so :censored: annoying!


Take it easy



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look up trespassing or talk to ditch shitter im shore its a civil law therefor is you are coursing no damage or worrying cattle there is little they can do.

i think you did the right thing but next time TELL HER TO SHUT THE FUK UP OR YOULL KICK HER IN THE c**t

but thats just me ...lol

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the law is you need to take precautions, basically use common sense, dont go near houses as you must respect peoples privacy, dogs on lead bla bla like i said in a short term most of its basically common sense mate if your doing this then they cant do fuckall really i dont agree with this law as i know the problems it can cause ias i was a gamekeeper but thats the law thats here and thats that, try getting yourself the countryside code handbook mate that tells you everything if your walking your dog jstu stay away from their house and all should be well mate, hope this helps.

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how exactly does this law work anyway? sounds like unless you put up a private property sign people can walk all over it without asking permission.

is that it?




basically mate, if your shooting you put up shooting in progress signs but you aint allowd to keep them up only for a day, the law is shite mate, people can walk all over land as long as they respect the privacy of houses etc, a lot of crap but thats this f****n government for you.

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basically mate, if your shooting you put up shooting in progress signs but you aint allowd to keep them up only for a day, the law is shite mate, people can walk all over land as long as they respect the privacy of houses etc, a lot of crap but thats this f****n government for you.


The law in Scotland is very different from the law in England. Your comments apply to Scotland.


In England, you do not have the right to roam over people's private land, apart from some designated areas. Other than those areas, you should stick to the footpaths or walk where you've been given permission.

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:icon_eek: was out a few weeks ago on a farm track with the pups on a lead and was approached by the landowner and got all the .. would i like it if he walked in my back garden etc .. he was pretty aggresive so i called the police and was told i can enter onto land as long as dogs are on leads and not worrying cattle but also if i enter land it must be by an unlocked gate or where there is no fence and i am not causing damage to crops etc .. they asked if i wanted them to have words with the landowner to put him in his place :thumbs: .. so right to roam means right to roam :thumbs:
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The law in Scotland is very different from the law in England. Your comments apply to Scotland.


In England, you do not have the right to roam over people's private land, apart from some designated areas. Other than those areas, you should stick to the footpaths or walk where you've been given permission.

Shhhh! You'll upset the poachers....... :whistling::laugh:

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I had an altercation last year,walking the dog past a fishing lake,couple of carp-anglers asked what I was doing there and told me to get the f**k-off that patch of land :icon_eek: They were quite taken aback when I went on the attack,asked did they understand the difference between criminal and civil trespass,and told them I was a solicitor and they could pursue me through the courts if they like at their expense :feck: I am not EXACTLY a solicitor,but I have known several ladies who solicited :angel:

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I had an altercation last year,walking the dog past a fishing lake,couple of carp-anglers asked what I was doing there and told me to get the f**k-off that patch of land :icon_eek: They were quite taken aback when I went on the attack,asked did they understand the difference between criminal and civil trespass,and told them I was a solicitor and they could pursue me through the courts if they like at their expense :feck:I am not EXACTLY a solicitor,but I have known several ladies who solicited :angel:

Good enough Mack :thumbs::laugh:

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