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another American Lurcher

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The pics I will put up are of a gyp I bred named Flirt and her son Kentucky. Flirt and Tuck as we called him were responsible for the death of a many a coyote. These two dogs teamed up were by far the most dominating two dogs that I owned on coyotes but their untimely death didnt allow neither one of them to work very long and not very long together at all as a team. I hunted Flirt with another gyp I had her first two season and then hunted her with her son Tuck her third season and that was her last cause she got hit and killed on the road. Then Kentucky went on to hunt one more season without her and then got killed himself on the very same road not a 1/4 of a mile from where his momma died. Anyhow, I aint as good as tellin stories on here as Doc but this particular coyote was a tough sumbitch and they ran him a many a mile before catchin him and bayin him up in a culvert and finally gettin him out and gettin him killed. Flirt was a Walker HoundxMountain Cur cross and Kentucky was a son out of her bred to an American Cold blood greyhound. Here is the first of two pics of them on this culvert yote.

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  maxhardcore said:
Dan is a Walker hound same type of dog as say a coon hound? you refere to a mountain cur , is this a heinze 57? or more of a collie type? they certainaly did the job by the looks :victory:


Yes, she was half Walker Coonhound and half Mountain Cur which is a breed of dogs developed here in the US for huntin squirrel, coon, bobcat, and bear basically. They were sort of a all around farm dog initially but bred to run and tree game. Some of them can be awful rough. Flirts momma was one of them rough ones.

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  UphillDoc said:
Dan-Your too modest...them dogs were dandies. Many of the UK fellas may not know much about coyotes, but there are dogs that can run one down, and there are dogs that can kill one, but they are rarely in the same package!


Take care.


They did good for me Scott. Neither of them could do much by themselves as far as killin goes but together they snuffed a few. Tuck could really get after it but Flirt was more of just a bay and fight dog. You put her with another bay and fight type dog and they would never get it killed but you put Tuck with anything that helps a little and he could take it to em and he was only 51#'s when he was full grown.

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  cumbye said:
Gd looking animals,look like they got stamina too run all day.

Have you got any apbtxgreyhounds out there? if so is the 1st cross fast enough to run coyote down? or do they have the stamina to run long enough for a catch?



It would be a very rare and I mean rare greyhound/pit type cross that could have the speed to catch a coyote. Stamina does not come into play very much when tryin to catch a coyote with sighthound type dogs like lurchers and greyhound or staghound type dogs. Speed is very much needed and a level of courage is needed that can only be understood if you see how a coyote fights at the catch. They are an actual wolf just smaller for the most part ranging usually between 30 and 35 pounds. They are ferocious and most dogs just cant or wont fight one. Speed is the key to catching coyotes with sight type dogs though.


The way I was doin it was with trail type dogs like Flirt running in conjunction with a lurcher type dog like Tuck and it worked well for me. Its funny cause then I read a book that UphillDoc recomended to me and there was an entire chapter devoted to what I was already doing. Pretty funny to me anyhow.

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I would like to add this though to my above statement. Doc's Grace gyp which is a bullstag is the ideal type dog to run with a couple faster type stahounds as catch dogs on coyotes. She may be just a step behind but when she gets there the party is over for the little prairie wolf. I just dont hunt sight type dogs here by themselves, YET!

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Dan, i fully agree that when Grace gets most things in her mouth, it will DIE!..LOL.


But, imo mate, if you was running decent staghounds, you would only need TWO stags to kill a yote...most yotes are around 35lbs as you say, so two stags of roughly 70lbs, thats 140lbs of dog...140lbs Vs 35lbs!!!!...should be MORE than enough...when i get another Stag, i will have four dogs for yote...i have two at the moment, and the wife has one...so one more makes for a brace each side of a coyote truck/rig...i personaly wouldnt keep dogs that needed more than a brace to kill a single yote...


Some guys dump four dogs on a yote, and i just think its a waste to be honest...i know there a pest, but a coyote that can hold off 2-3 dogs is a GOOD animal imo, and dosnt deserve getting 'murdered' buy shitty dogs that wouldnt take a hold if they was run single or even doubled...


There are guys in kansas that kill 40-50 yotes in a weekend, and of course you may want some more dogs, and if its striclty pest control, then do what you see fit...im not telling anyone what they should or shouldnt do with there dogs...who the feck am i to do that!...this IS a free country, do as you please.


I dont hunt coyotes for 'control'...i do it for the quality of sport they offer,...if i wanted dead yotes i would trap them or shoot 'em...i want to see dogs work...the first yotes a dog see's i think its best run with two other good dogs (three in total, two made dogs, one green/young dog) more than that i dont think they learn anything, and some dogs will come off a yote if there trying to fight/hold it, but are getting bussled and shoved about buy bigger dogs etc...my male dosnt like the hussle bussle at the end of some kills, and he works best on his own, or with my bitch...he 'aint keen on the wifes bitch, coz she bite him on the face when he was just a pup!...lol..he has a good memory.


I remember the first yote my dogs got (they havent had many at all, as i dont have a rig) it was the three stags, and honestly, it was over kill!...im 90% sure my bitch would have done it single handed, she shook it so hard, its body was wrapped around her neck, like a scarf!..lol.


My dogs are used mostly on Raccoons, and them things are TOUGH imo...a 25lbs raccoon is a tough mo-fo to deal with, there is nowhere a dog can grab them and NOT get hurt...a mouth and four feet with nasty claws is a tough critter, and they ball up on the dogs head, so shaking dont work to good...once a yote is got buy the neck, its over, yeah the dogs have to hang on, and a yote is a thousand times harder to catch than a coon, and of course once a coyote is stopped, the next few seconds can get a little 'emotinal'..lol...but honestly, a coon, i think, from the catch to the actual death of the coon, is a hard, tough animal...especially when the dog is sore, and has taken a number of them already..


I think a little bull is great in Stags...the type of bull thats in Grace is first class, and she is herself a first class animal...her sire (the stag) killed a yote that he dragged outta a culvert pipe buy the face, after doing five minutes with him jaw-to-jaw, killed him, and the dog was only 14 months...first yote he had seen...hell of a dog!...


A hint of bull in an otherwise stag saturated dog is what im heading for!...maybe a 1/4, or even an 1/8th will be enough for what i run, and where i run it...should be able to catch and kill yotes, maybe even buy themselves!?...it works on paper anyway!..lol.


Good stuff guys, keep up the good work!..



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I agree with you that two dogs is all that should be needed. I was just givin a for instance if you will. Alot of guys dont like to just run one catch dog cause its hard on them. There are certain parts of this country I know that you better damn sure enough have a catch dog or you will not catch any coyotes. I know a fella that went from OK to one of these areas and he has great coyote dogs in OK but he said although his dogs can and have killed single handed a number of times in OK that it didnt matter where he was at cause he didnt have a dog in his box that could have even come close to catchin one of their slowest coyotes. Good catchdogs rarely if ever make for good kill dogs. Thats all I was gettin at.

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Here is another pic of Flirt, Tuck, and a Running Walker dog that was a puss and he aint here no more. Anyhow, Flirt and Tuck had this one caught and bayed up under a creek bank way back under there and we couldnt figger out at first what in the hell was goin on. Anyhow a little jabbin with a stick and we got it to pop its had out and I shot it cause I didnt think there was anyway they were gonna get it killed really. They werent the best killdogs above ground let alone in a hole of sorts.

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I was always coyote hunting with these two dogs but I cant tell you how many coons they caught and bushwacked when I casted them out. They would get gone and all of a sudden all hell would break loose out there a 1/4 mile or so and I would be waitin on them to see them and a yote pop out somewhere but all would go silent. I knew they had caught another coon then. Anyhow, I would have to walk down to them and there they would be sittin by their kill. They could kill a coon in quick fashion. I dont think one even in a hole lasted more than about 20 or 30 seconds. They would pull him out and stretch his ass. We caught a big 30# coon one day down in the river and that took Flirt about a minute to get a good hold on it so she could get it to the bank but once she got it there it was a gonner. Anyhow, here is another pic of them after one of them damn coon catches.

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Dan, great job on getting some kids out mate...there the way forward for sure!


I see what your saying about some places mate...some yotes seem SOOOO fast, while other look retarded!..lol...i think some places that even a good coursing greyhound would struggle to come to terms with some yotes...i often wonder how some of them realy well bred 100lbs+ greyhound from ireland would do on a yote!?...


I dont want to sound like an exspert mate, coz thats the last thing i am...on ANYTHING!..LOL..you have killed more yotes than ive had hot dinners ive no doubt, so i dont want to sound cock sure of myself...knowing my luck, my dogs will see a few more yotes and throw the towel in!..lol.


It looks fun the way you hunt them yotes Dan...i take it you just cruse around, and when you see a likly looking spot, you just turn the dogs loose?...do you ever bust them outta woods/forest and they run across open fields/land?...do you gun them aswell mate, or just let the dogs work...i know some lads shoot at them with rifles and such if they see them, even if the dogs are closing on them...


Your not a thousand miles away from me mate, i dont know where abouts you are in IL mind you, but im in MO, just next door...i havent got a rig (YET!!) but i have a suburu, and ive heard they can be handy with the running dogs!... :whistling:


If you ever need some gangly dogs to try and pull a few down if they run across a big pasture/field, drop me a PM mate...i think i sent you my number some time, but if your anything like me, you may of lost it buy now!...lol...im terrible with shit like that...


Hope you have a good season Dan, and get 'em on the tail gate man!



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Them dogs sound tough to kill coon that quick Dan!...they must know there job...sometimes my dogs get them dealt with quick, other times it can be a little rough!...sound gritty dogs for sure mate.


My dogs seem to deal with coon alot better if they are NOT wearing a collar, do you find that to be the case?...the coon seem to grab it, and the dog struggles to manouver into a better grip!?...



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