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North East Lurcher Club

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Been thinking for a bit now about the fact there doesn't seem to be a North East Lurcher Club, i know that it was a lurcher club that brought about the Lurchermania DVD's, Harelaw i think it was called???


Anyway what i was wondering, is would people want to see one set up and be interested in joining such a club and if they were, what sort of things would they expect to gain from being a member..................


A show??? Only working dog members???? open to all??? Competitions??? regular meets???? contacts for nights/days out??? challenging other clubs in lurcher comps etc etc..........


What are your thoughts?????????

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hey longdog , there is one near me (stanley) its called ........ the uplands lurcher and longdog club. think maybe this is the club what done the dvd not 100% sure though.


i never thought about joining a club just because i dont drive lol


maybe add terriers in to it

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Has it changed name??? i know the original ones were Harelaw, as a lad i met when i first moved up was a member and he was telling me about different lamping comps they had across the country with different clubs, on the Lurchermania DVDs it talks about and shows Harelaw as a club, might be wrong though........... :thumbs:

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Has it changed name??? i know the original ones were Harelaw, as a lad i met when i first moved up was a member and he was telling me about different lamping comps they had across the country with different clubs, on the Lurchermania DVDs it talks about and shows Harelaw as a club, might be wrong though........... :thumbs:


i'll ask a lad at work who is a member :thumbs: just remembered him saying about his uncle making lurcher dvds. the uplands is in harelaw i think i know they hold there show in dipton in harelaw.

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