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hi.any help will be very helpfull.i have a bull x pup.he is 6 months.he has got a really sensetive stomach.i have try feedin him everythin.but it goes straight through him.i am feedin him supadog sensetive at the minute it has helpd but it is still loose.what can i give him?thanks

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Get some Tree Barks Powder from Dorwest Herbs: just google the name to find their website. Brilliant stuff.

AND get him OFF complete manufactured dog food: he may well be allergic to some of the crap they put into the bags and sell as dog food!


Do a search on here for feeding raw meat or BARF: there's been loads of threads about it: you know it makes sense!

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Go to your local pet shop & get some pro biotics ( which usually comes in powder form ) & add that to your dogs food & that should diffiniatly help with the stomach problems as that add good bacteria to the stomach & gut.


if you really cant get that add some natural yogurt maybe a large spoonful or so to there daily food but it would really be better to get the powder & you can get a big tub for £15.00


Good luck & let us know how it goes

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Go to your local pet shop & get some pro biotics ( which usually comes in powder form ) & add that to your dogs food & that should diffiniatly help with the stomach problems as that add good bacteria to the stomach & gut.


if you really cant get that add some natural yogurt maybe a large spoonful or so to there daily food but it would really be better to get the powder & you can get a big tub for £15.00


Good luck & let us know how it goes

can this work on young pups as well :thumbs:

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Probiotics are especially good for pups & weaning bitches ( heres a cut & paste )



Stress and the role of the

gastrointestinal tract micro flora


The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of all healthy mammals contains over 400 species of microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, fungi, and protozoa). These microorganisms form a natural protective barrier which keeps opportunistic pathogens from proliferating.


When a pet experiences some form of stress such as birth, lactation, weaning, new household members (human and pet), new diet, being left alone during the day, transportation, vet visits, etc., changes occur in the GIT that cause the demise of many of these protective organisms. Without that control, pathogens are able to proliferate. Pathogens can cause all manner of problems, from stealing valuable nutrients, excreting toxins, to penetration of vital organs.


Antibiotics also kill many protective organisms


The natural solution


Probiotics are concentrated mixtures of beneficial bacteria that can temporarily replace the devastated indigenous micro flora. The probiotic bacteria perform the same protective functions and have some other beneficial effects, which will be discussed later.


There are two general types of probiotics:


a) Feed-additive forms (granulated or powders) - for everyday stresses


B) More concentrated forms (paste, gel or drench) - for major stresses


The main differences between these two types of probiotics are in concentration of microorganisms, and the way they are fed. Generally speaking, there are as many microorganisms in a pound of the feed-additive form as there are in a single dose of the more concentrated forms. The Feed-additive types are designed to be fed on a daily basis. To protect pets that are about to or are experiencing major stresses, or to treat sick animals, the more concentrated forms must be given orally.




Stress opens the door to disease


The extent of the damage to the protective barrier depends on the nature of the stress experienced by the animal. Major (birth, lactation, weaning and surgery) or chronic stresses (being left alone often, pain, itching/biting insects) do more damage than minor, everyday stresses (occasionally being left alone or a vet visit). Probiotics can be used preventatively in either case by simply choosing the correct concentration.


If an animal does get sick, the more concentrated forms can help the animal recover. How? When an animal becomes ill, the digestive tract shuts down and all available resources are directed to the immune system.


Probiotics can support the animal by:


a) Providing easily-absorbable energy


B) Keeping pathogens from proliferating in the GIT


c) Activating the immune system

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