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The habits of rabbits

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OK - so 1st post bought a gun this year, never shot anything before but overrun with rabits

2nd post - point gun at rabbits - go bang - rabbits run away - help!


After that everything settled down and I pointed the gun out of me bedroom window and sent about 50 or so rabbits to their maker over the course of the summer.


Now - no rabbits - at all :search: ! Well problem solved and Mrs Analyticalmans campanulas are back to full glory - only problem is - Ive got to enjoy shooting them :diablo: So are they like the french and take August off on holiday and they'll be back - is it Watership Down and they've all buggered off somewhere safer, or have I just killed them all? Any ideas?

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  hiho said:
If you like killing and theres no rabbits KILLLL pigeons :hunter:

is it just me or are rabbits (and maybe squirrels!)are the only quarry you enjoy shooting?i've never been a fan of shooting birds....nothing against shooting them,i just prefer rabbits!

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i enjoy shooting rabbits aswell but if my grandad or someone says that there barns full of ferral pigeons and they need cleared out il get there as quik as i can to blast the fucl{ers

my record which was at a dairy farm in what i would describe as one of the biggest sheds in cumbria is 37 in 1 1/2 hours

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  hiho said:
i enjoy shooting rabbits aswell but if my grandad or someone says that there barns full of ferral pigeons and they need cleared out il get there as quik as i can to blast the fucl{ers

my record which was at a dairy farm in what i would describe as one of the biggest sheds in cumbria is 37 in 1 1/2 hours

thats some going mate! not saying i'd turn bird shooting down,just that i prefer bunny bashing!lol

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Rabbits are really quite intelligent animals and if they find one particular spot getting rather hazardous to survival they will move, lock, stock and barrel. Eventually they will return, maybe as another colony or a part of the original but don't make the mistake of thinking these animals are dumb. I used to hunt and I was really impressed with their survival skills and now I breed show rabbits. They are amazing animals that can be easily trained to do virtually anything a regular house pet can do; even litter training and walking on a lead - NOT me I might add :blush: but my grandaughter takes her favourite bunnies out on the lead and what a spectacle it is too.

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  bustbibs said:
shit me a pidgeon every 2.4 minutes must hav bin knackered

there easy shooting in barns and they need to be shot or else they sh1t in the cattle feed and spread disease

but when theres alot its but my left arms nackered from loading my springer quikly :angry2:

but still its better than haveing to do this before i go shooting everyday :download:

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  pitindall1978 said:
  hiho said:
i enjoy shooting rabbits aswell but if my grandad or someone says that there barns full of ferral pigeons and they need cleared out il get there as quik as i can to blast the fucl{ers

my record which was at a dairy farm in what i would describe as one of the biggest sheds in cumbria is 37 in 1 1/2 hours

thats some going mate! not saying i'd turn bird shooting down,just that i prefer bunny bashing!lol

its not that good iv heard of people getting ver 90-100 ferrals in a day with air rifles :icon_eek: i was just lucky the shed had never been shot in

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Fear not analyticalman, it is said that nature abhors a vacuum. You have been very successful and temporarily cleared them out, but eventually rabbits on the move and looking for territory will be back.just stick to paper punching for a bit. The long eared ones will return.

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