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lets see some deerhound x greyhound

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this is my lad,hes 6 yrs old.when hes about the house etc he lopes about making you think hes a dead minded oul dog.but when he sees his quarry he comes alive and has great heart,hes a pleasure to keep and hes no bother but he does shit like an elephant,lol.


They make great companionn dogs too,very gentle and easy going,but ferocious when they have to be.The only fault is they attract pikeys by the thousands and are too trusting for their own good.they are easily stolen as they are people friendly in the extreme,or my one is anyway.ive got too say hes a little slow off the mark on bunnies but if they have to go a distance then they get into them but not great on turning.


hopethis works.

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Hey Keeps, lovely animal, great pictures..

where did you say that dog came from again???

Top one, Nuala, goes back to your breeding Doxhope, she was bred by a couple of lads from bedlington out of a bitch called Judy and sire (lst x) called Bracken (pictured below) shes very much of the same type of stamp as her dam in stature




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I would say 90% of the Staghounds over here have Deerhound in them,...and along with good, tested greyhound blood, that makes up the majority of there genetic make-up,...there is other stuff in 'em, but thats what they are MOSTLY.


I got my Stags, and raised them as Lurchers,...they have done well on everything, from rabbits, right the way upto coyotes (not been on a bunch though) and badger (usa) and raccoon...


My male (29" and 70lbs) is the bestest running dog ive ever had...bit of a late starter on toothed game, but feck me, once he got going!, he is now the best dog for killing more dangerous game, quickly...he has done 2 outta 3 hares single handed, daytime, both runs being around five minutes in the rocky desert on the Nevada/California border...


Best nights lamping was 17 hares, 6 rabbits and a gray fox...


He will mark earths, draw game, course hares, lamp toothed game, he has taken feather, great jumper, carries game to hand (he has done this with 15-20lb raccoons!) and is easily the most LOYAL dog i have ever owned...it is plain crazy how much that dog loves me, and that is the truth...many of the hard-core coyote hunting lads might not like him, and he is has lost some speed as he has aged, but in his prime, was the fastest dog ive ever seen run...before i had him, the fastest dog i had seen run was J.Darcys great dog 'Scooby' (RIP mate) and that dog was a f*****g machine!...


I think, that the Deerhound of a few hundred years ago, is different to the one running around today in the UK,...but there are lads in England and Ireland that have GREAT working dogs...look at ShaneHounds gear, and the likes of them,...plus the Doxhope stuff....but i think the American Staghound is VERY much like the original Deerhound, if for nothing else, they get tested to the MAX out here....killing Coyotes, Bobcats, Badger, Hares, etc....some being dumped (slipped) on Coyotes at 1/4 or even 1/2 MILE!...chasing them, and then killing them....that is NO easy feat guys.


I used to think you needed Bull in your Lurchers for 'bitey' stuff,...having seen the dogs over here, i dont think you do...the difference over here is the guys cull REAL hard, and the dogs lead a VERY tough life...you hear of terriers getting culled for 'walking of the job',...yet if a Lurcher dont do fox, he is sold as a rabbit only dog, and then on, and on, and on,..etc....you dont realy hear of Lurchers being culled for not working.


The guys over here dont care about anything...coat, colour, type...it dont matter...dogs with weak feet, no stamina, or no heart, they are soon weeded out!...the only thing these coyote hunters give a shit about, is DEAD COYOTES!..lol.


One things for sure...they didnt add copious amounts of Deerhound, because they liked the coat, and they look nice infront of the fire!..lol.



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