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how many of you will be running single handed dogs

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personilie for me doubled up,but i also enjoied it alot running single!before i seen single dogs i would have have doubled up all the time,then thinking about it, you cant really say its a fox dog doubled up :blink: compared to a out and out single handed dog, can do the job just has easy has 2 dogs can!my bitch is only a pup so would have to be run doubled for a bit,after that she,s on her own i think :thumbs:

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Guest markbrick1

i run my dogs on there own but always give them a run together at the end of the night it keeps there hand in and i beleave every dog should be able to be versatile :clapper: seen to many turn when they run with another dog and i dont like that but over all i go for single

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when i used to do it i had no worrys at all running mine paired up on foxs, no matter what any one says you will get a higher catch rate, and yes before you all start it was more to do with pest control for me, dont get me wrong i enjoyed the sport side, but having a choice of 9 out of 10 paired up compared to 5 out of 10 single handed, id go for the former every time... at the end of the day i got ground to control a pest, if i didnt they would just get the rifle men in... jmo...

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when i used to do it i had no worrys at all running mine paired up on foxs, no matter what any one says you will get a higher catch rate, and yes before you all start it was more to do with pest control for me, dont get me wrong i enjoyed the sport side, but having a choice of 9 out of 10 paired up compared to 5 out of 10 single handed, id go for the former every time... at the end of the day i got ground to control a pest, if i didnt they would just get the rifle men in... jmo...



Fair point, as i only keep one dog, it will have to do every thing on its own.



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