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Spot the PitBull!

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Indeed i would imagine anyone with experience within the breed will get it straight away, but this page does demonstrate how difficult it is to determine the breed, especially when you consider all of these pictures are pedigree dogs, if you were to put up some pictures of crossed dogs then it will be even more difficult for the non Pitbull person!

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got it first time , i know the problem only to well muppets keep telling me my aluants a pit bull even had an arspca vet tell me it was a pit bull [type] told him to fck off and google it he may learn something. he said there is no such breed as alaunt it was fun watching him eat his words

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Ive probably seen more than most and not as many as some......but it took me 2 trys :D ....in fact id have said numbers 3,16 and 21 could all be easily mistaken.....theres so many variations within the breed you could post pictures of some good dogs down the years that most would never have thought were pure.

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