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Genuine Dog lads,...

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This is just a little thank you, to lads that have helped in the past, and the lads that are helping out at the moment!... :yes:

There are lads back home, that are helping me out with terriers/terrier pups, for that i am VERY grateful...it will be nice to have a kennel full of good, honest dogs, bred from good tested gear...some of whom i have NOT even met, only spoken to via this, and other sites of old!...you guys are welcome to a holiday, and some American hunting with sighthounds and terriers...you will always be welcome at my house... :)

And a HUGE thanks to two Americans, one my digging partner, the other my good pal down in OK...

My digging partner, knowing that i was struggling for money at the time (although im getting back to normal now) we had a week or ten days of hunting planned...i had to drive 14 hours straight to his house, through three or four states...that whole trip, i didnt get my wallet out once!...i was fed, and driven everywhere we had to go, and i had the pleasure of spending time with his great family who always make me feel welcome...

When we got my red bitchs first proper Raccoon, it was a big ' un of 31lbs....he VERY kindly took me and the Coon to a friend of his who is currently stuffing the coon, for a very nice mount that will be put up in my house!...i told him, "I cant let you pay for that mate!"...he just said "Well i would like to...just pay me back when you can" ....salt of the earth, i tell yah!...

My mate in OK is probably one of the most genuine dog guys i have EVER been lucky enough to meet...he bred my Staghounds, and GAVE them to me for nothing, even though he hadnt known me that long!...The first dog, was one that he had kept back for himself, but due to cicumstances both of us could not control, i couldnt get my pups...so he gave one of his, to me!...that dog (although young) is one of the best dogs i have seen...

The bitch pup he gave me, was another he had chosen to keep back himself...but due to having a few dogs already, and pups to enter he wanted to do her justice so he gave me a call...

"Hey, do you want this Stag pup i kept back?"

Knowing how well bred she was and what the parents are capable of, i snapped up the offer!..

"How much do you want for her mate" ..said i!

"Not alot,...$100"

We met at a coursing meet in NM, and he gave me this gangly, all legs and tail bundle...he wouldnt take the money for her though!...

The two American guys i have spoken about, are real good lads...they live for there dogs, and are the best mates a lad like me could have...

I know the Americans are looked down upon back home regarding terriers and lurchers...mostly because there are a few loud, mouthy pricks over here that paint a bad picture for the rest of these lads...

There are dick heads over here...plenty of them...just like back home!....but there are lads out here, that are good guys, genuine dog lads, that live for there dogs and hunting!...

This was just a little " Thank you" ...to lads that know who they are...

All the best,.. :)


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Thats a great post mate, i,ve had dealings with a couple of guys off the predator masters site, and they are just the same, they will bend over backwards to help you, great people, i,ve all the time in the world for them.

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GENUINE people,are where you find them,be it in the USA,Britain,Sweden, Ireland or where ever. As for there being "a few loud mouths" over there,.... i've heard it said in Ireland.... No matter where you travel in the world,don't bother to pack a gobshite, because there's always one waiting when you get there! Good to hear you're settled in and getting on an even keel. Good luck,and good hunting. :good:

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Thanks 5Dogs...i will be getting on even better when im killing 1000+ head of game each year with me terriers and feck nows how much stuff with the Staghounds!... :good::D ....there are lads doing 800+ just in the winter, and just on Raccoon...and i dont think there as nuts for it as me and me digging buddy!..lol.

Im struggling for terriers at the moment...i got the Lakeland bitch (that got the Bobcat a few days ago) and i got a white dog that is just my cuppa tea....hes only seen one Raccoon, but i was more than happy with him on that... but as you well know mate, one dig 'aint feck all!...and then i got a tiny little white bitch (well its the wifes)...she has seen a few possom, Coon and Ground hog....she will be my Ground Hog dog though...i 'aint to fussed about them though...its the Raccoons im after!...i got the bug!..lol...the little white bitch is about 10" and 9lbs...if im honest, she isnt my type, to small....but she fits any where a GH can go...plus ive got a few things lined up as i stated in my original post...plus me Brother might be breeding some gear in the future, so i can always rob a few pups from that ugly twat!... :D:good:

All the best to all genuine dogs lads and lass' !


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very good post kye.

as was said there is good and bad everywhere.

would give every pound in my pocket to see those stags work in ire.

they are like the dogs i used to keep.

sadly the strain is gone.

sounds like you are very happy with the dogs in your yard.

and the best of luck to you and hope everything works out.

think i seen your stags run on video on another site.

under a different name you wher using.

a credit to you

all the best


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Royston...f**k off!..lmao.. :p:D


Hi Macker...

Yes mate, if it was on Terrier Central, they was my dogs,...thanks for the kind comments of them...they 'aint let me down yet!...should do the job when i get to MO!..

All the best lads!


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Hey there Kye!

What about the ladies that do their share of hunting over here! It's nice to see so many women involved in hunting terriers. Always fun. Next time you come this way bring a digger again, would ya? :)


Not all folks in the states have big mouths. We just want to hunt with good dogs and good friends, that's all.


See you in Missouri this May, lets hope!

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Hello Love!,..

Your right, not ALL americans have a big mouth...and your right, theres some good girls digging over here as well...always nice to stare at a nice arse, on a dig, summat you can do over here!...lol.. :good::p:D

Cant wait to see you guys again...

All the best mate..


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