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Talking of old finds


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Celticwar had an earlier post about some antique accupels which got me thinking!!


An old friend got a webley hurricaine in the early eighties. He used it a few times for plinking in his garden. Placed it back in the box and moved house where it ended up in the loft of the new house. For nearly 20 yrs.

After a clearout he came across it and i ended up with it. Its in mint condition and even came with over three quaters of the original pellets. What a gift.



I have the warranty and instruction manual and a history of webley pistols poster on the reverse, Original pack of 25 webley targets and allen key with webley tag.


I even have two gift vouchers. All i need to do is send 20p and a SAE to receive a ' Handsome webley marksman badge'

Shame i need 4 of these vouchers!!!


The vouchers uesd to come in a tin of 500 webley pellets, so if anybody has 2 of these vouchers and wants to go halfs on a ' Handsome webley marksman badge' then let me know. lol


A little over a year ago my wifes uncle passed away. Upon clearing his belongings we found this old diana in the garage.



Its a tin pistol and still works although the ring off the cocking slide is missing and is a little tatty around the edges.

I dont know much about this pistol so if anyone does please let me know :thumbs:

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  PeakOil said:
Looks mint that, could be worth a few bob in the original box with instructions and all that one day. Chrono it, would be interesting to see what power it is putting out after 20 years. :big_boss:


Its one of those little jobs im going to get around to. However it does need a new o-ring on the breach as the rubber has not stood the test of time.

It will never get sold in my lifetime. Just happily sit in its box and get plinked now and again.


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  moxy said:
  PeakOil said:
Looks mint that, could be worth a few bob in the original box with instructions and all that one day. Chrono it, would be interesting to see what power it is putting out after 20 years. :big_boss:


Its one of those little jobs im going to get around to. However it does need a new o-ring on the breach as the rubber has not stood the test of time.

It will never get sold in my lifetime. Just happily sit in its box and get plinked now and again.



My mate found an old gat gun type pistol at his dads, It seemed to have gained power in its years sat in a box in the loft and was somewhat over the 6ft/lb that it should be. Unless pistols were once made over 6ft/lb before the law changed :thumbdown:

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My mate found an old gat gun type pistol at his dads, It seemed to have gained power in its years sat in a box in the loft and was somewhat over the 6ft/lb that it should be. Unless pistols were once made over 6ft/lb before the law changed :thumbdown:


I have a gat aswell, that has to be antique :D I am very sure that it hasnt increased in power, you would be lucky if it has enough power to blow away a flys fart.

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Its not very old but i still have my diana sp50 .177 air pistol ... was my first ever gun at the age of around 4 or 5 so its only like 11 or 12 years old but still in very good condition.Would kill a spuggy with easy lmao :D

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some mint finds there lol my dad cleaned out his shead and found my bow and arrow whitch i used to shoot apples with in my nans back yard about 8 years ago il post you an image oh yes i also have one of the oldest 177 rusian air rifles ever i have had that since i was 6 and i am now 17 unbelivable lol

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  andy s410c said:
Good pistol the Hurricane :gunsmilie: i had plenty of "fun" with the one i had as a teenager :icon_redface:

I always wanted a tempest, but by the time I was old enough to buy one, they'd stopped making them! :(

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Guest hyperion

get in touch with the chap who does the airgun collection in airgunner/airgun world! should be able to tell you a bit about them and how much there worth! who knows they might even feature your pistols in the mag??

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