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advice bitch wont stand

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i weasnt meaning to cause an arguement i see what simoman is saying hence why i said its maybe not the best idea breeding from her anyway as i say this isnt a must hapen thing if they dont tie then they dont tie thats not a problem. sorry if i have caused any arguements . fair enough i have bought some dogs put a bit work into them then sold them on but it isnt what i am into dogs for i have always been into dogs and have nothing else realy i dont specificaly buy a dog to sell it on and i honestly didnt own everydog i sold on here christ if i did i would have some carry on with them in 1 kennel and run in a 2 bed house in a housing skeme. most of the dogs i have put on have been because i know the dogs are worth a chance and would make something and i know people on here are always looking for a dog so have given the boys selling the dogs numbers over . i aint botherd what people say realy its just i would like to meat people into what i am and maybe even go out working dogs shooting ferreting fishing or whatever and to be fair the stuff people that dont know me on here say is enough to put anyone of.


anyways back to topic the dogs in my mates kennel till tmz as he has no dogs the now and ill take the bitch to him tmz if she dont stand tmz or fridy ill forget about it.


regards kris.


No arguments Kris, just healthy debate :D

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Why not charge an advertising fee for those who are trying to sell pups....if theyre gonna advertise them anyway might as well benefit the site as well and might have the knock on effect of keeping the compulsive breeders in check...just a thought. Its quite expensive to advertise in the press so why should it be free gratis in here? :thumbdown:

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i dont breed dogs this will be my first litter if the bitch even stands she isnt showing promising signs im taking her back to a dog, its free to advertise in the papers and else where but it would sertainly benifit the site if they got a little something. i think this is why the decided in order to sell anything you had to be a donator....

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