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A quick mooch

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Went out for a quick walk last week really only walking the dogs but took the S200 with me just incase :)


Walked across a few fields with the dogs off the leads and i could hear a few magpies in the next field.

Called both dogs back and sneaked upto the wall dogs one either side of me.


Popped my head over and there sat 2 nest robbers about 30 yards into the field, they had no idea i was there so up popped the S200 and down went the magpie.


Sent the lurcher to retrieve it but she was hesitant at first, she has retrieved most stuff before but she dont really lile crows or maggys for some reason any way after making sure it was dead LOL she fetched it back.








Then we walked a few more fields and headed back to where i started along a wall side next to a railtrack. i heard a noise in the trees and knew it was a tree rat cos the dog was straight over the wall and sat patiently under the tree.


After a quick scan i found the drey and fired a pellet under the drey. Out popped a tree rat and hid behind a V. Dog knew where it was so i panned round a bit and spotted it clung to the trunk .


Lifted the rifle and one pellet to the head saw it almost landing in the dogs mouth who was waiting and the bottom of the tree.


A nice retrieve by the dog over a large wall and dropped it at my feet made up i was.




All in all i nice hour out with the dogs and even better for the song birds :thumbs:



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